ICANN New gTLD Application

New gTLD Application Submitted to ICANN by: Net-Chinese Co., Ltd.

String: 政府

Originally Posted: 13 June 2012

Application ID: 1-1658-94344

Applicant Information

1. Full legal name

Net-Chinese Co., Ltd.

2. Address of the principal place of business

12F., No. 46, Sec. 2, jhongshan N. Rd., jhongshan District
Taipei City 10448

3. Phone number

+886 225319696

4. Fax number

+886 225319522

5. If applicable, website or URL


Primary Contact

6(a). Name

Mr. David Liu

6(b). Title


6(c). Address

6(d). Phone Number

+886 225319696

6(e). Fax Number

+886 225319522

6(f). Email Address


Secondary Contact

7(a). Name

Ms. Vicky Tu

7(b). Title


7(c). Address

7(d). Phone Number

+886 225319696

7(e). Fax Number

+886 225319522

7(f). Email Address


Proof of Legal Establishment

8(a). Legal form of the Applicant


8(b). State the specific national or other jursidiction that defines the type of entity identified in 8(a).

Company Law of Republic of China(Taiwan)

8(c). Attach evidence of the applicant's establishment.

Attachments are not displayed on this form.

9(a). If applying company is publicly traded, provide the exchange and symbol.

9(b). If the applying entity is a subsidiary, provide the parent company.

9(c). If the applying entity is a joint venture, list all joint venture partners.

Applicant Background

11(a). Name(s) and position(s) of all directors


11(b). Name(s) and position(s) of all officers and partners


11(c). Name(s) and position(s) of all shareholders holding at least 15% of shares


11(d). For an applying entity that does not have directors, officers, partners, or shareholders: Name(s) and position(s) of all individuals having legal or executive responsibility

Applied-for gTLD string

13. Provide the applied-for gTLD string. If an IDN, provide the U-label.


14(a). If an IDN, provide the A-label (beginning with "xn--").


14(b). If an IDN, provide the meaning or restatement of the string in English, that is, a description of the literal meaning of the string in the opinion of the applicant.

This string indicates public affairs and public sectors including governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services

14(c). If an IDN, provide the language of the label (in English).


14(c). If an IDN, provide the language of the label (as referenced by ISO-639-1).


14(d). If an IDN, provide the script of the label (in English).

Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese

14(d). If an IDN, provide the script of the label (as referenced by ISO 15924).

Hant, Han (Traditional variant) and Hans, Han (Simplified variant)

14(e). If an IDN, list all code points contained in the U-label according to Unicode form.

U+653F U+5E9C

15(a). If an IDN, Attach IDN Tables for the proposed registry.

Attachments are not displayed on this form.

15(b). Describe the process used for development of the IDN tables submitted, including consultations and sources used.

TWNIC has developed IDN language table since 2001 to collect Chinese variant from sources listed below:
- A Complete Set of Simplified Chinese Characters
- Chinese Variants Collation Table
- Chinese Big Dictionary
- General Table for Modern Chinese
- International Chinese Standard Big Dictionary
- Unihan database

TWNIC has formed a Chinese Domain Name Variant Table Working Group for more than 20 meetings to accomplish the draft language table and discuss in CDNC meeting with experts from CNNIC to finalize the language table. The language table also summit as a Nation Standard in Taiwan, CNS-14838.

15(c). List any variant strings to the applied-for gTLD string according to the relevant IDN tables.

not applicable.

16. Describe the applicant's efforts to ensure that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string. If such issues are known, describe steps that will be taken to mitigate these issues in software and other applications.

In order to ensure that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for .政府gTLD, the following efforts have been made by TWNIC and Net-Chinese:

16-1 Rendering Problem

TWNIC and Net-Chinese foresees no known rendering issues in connection with the proposed .政府 string for IDN gTLD. Based on the partnership with TWNIC, TWNIC and Net-Chinese co-work on analyzing the pointes as described as follows and reconfirm that there is no rendering problem in applying gTLD .政府: 

- ICANN’s Security Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) entitled Alternative TLD Name Systems and Roots: Conflict, Control and Consequences (SAC009);
- IAB - RFC3696 “Application Techniques for Checking and Transformation of Names”
- Known software issues which TWNIC has encountered during the launch of .tw and IDN ccTLD domain;
- Character type and length; 
- ICANN supplemental notes to Question 16; and
- ICANN’s presentation during its Costa Rica regional meeting on TLD Universal Acceptance.

TWNIC and Net-Chinese will launch IDN services, strictly following the IDN standards of IETF and IDN guidelines issued by ICANN. In the meanwhile, Net-Chinese will partner with TWNIC to provide IDN solutions. The response to Question 44 provides specific IDN information.

16-2 Committee of Registry

The Committee of Registry is the highest decision-making body in charge of the management and operation of .政府registry. The member of the group is dedicated to the full compliance of ICANN’s policies and rules and its duties and responsibilities arising under the ICANN-Registry Agreement. Please refer to the Question 18 for further interpretation to the Committee. 

17. (OPTIONAL) Provide a representation of the label according to the International Phonetic Alphabet (http://www.langsci.ucl.ac.uk/ipa/).



18(a). Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD.

The missions and purposes of the proposed .政府 gTLD are described as follows. 

1. The new .政府 gTLD to promote governmental images
The .政府 gTLD proposed by Net-Chinese and Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) under the basis of partnership is an Internationalized Top Level Domain Name in Chinese to serve the Chinese-speaking people, places and communities around the world. There is about one-sixth of the worldʹs population or over one billion people using Chinese. Thus, the .政府 gTLD will be targeted to create efficient identity between Chinese-speaking people, places and communities and those who would like to convey information to the Chinese-speaking people, places and communities. One of the missions and purposes of the .政府 gTLD is to facilitate collaboration among government-to-government, government-to-business, and government-to-citizen entities globally. It is critical that each government, central or local, maintain good relationships with other governments for collaboration and support. The current domains under each .gov ccTLD do not serve the purpose of providing a unique domain for Chinese-speaking people, places and communities to exchange of information and collaboration among the governments.

Based on the mission and purpose, Net-Chinese is authorized by TWNIC to submit the application of .政府 gTLD, and TWNIC will fully support the registry operation, back-end, and financial expenditure for this application and operation after delegation.

The .政府 gTLD hosts government related websites of the federal⁄central governments, state⁄province governments or local governments such as city⁄county⁄township or any other governmental agencies or any applicable to the public interests. This new .政府 gTLD is innovative to create a one-shop show room, where all the official websites of governments around the world can be accessed by visitors.

The on-lined presence of the government under the .政府gTLD can promote its public image by providing services to businesses and citizens on an upgraded level. The governmental functions, including administrative, judicial and legislative, will have impacts far beyond their traditional jurisdictions and geographic limits. In addition, .政府 gTLD provides the official and trusted Internet presence for these government entities.

2. The new .政府gTLD to meet the needs of IDN market
The rise of political and economic power of the Chinese-speaking community around the world echoes the growing needs of Internationalized Domain Names. One out of every six people in the world use Chinese as their main language to communicate among themselves. It is critical for them to use a language familiar to them to surf the Internet and search the world. The .政府 gTLD in Chinese, which means the government providing services to the public for the best interests, is an innovation and a convenient tool for the Chinese-speaking people to search for the official websites of governments not only of their home towns but also every country in the world.

In order to avoid unnecessary political implications of the .政府 gTLD, Net-Chinese, a private professional domain name service provider incorporated and headquartered in Taiwan, is authorized by the Taiwan Network Information Center to submit the application of .政府 TLD. Additionally, TWNIC is a neutral and not-for-profit organization to operate the ccTLD registration service over 10 years and has cooperated with different registries and registrars to provide worldwide registration service. Based on the partnership between TWNIC and Net-Chinese, the proposed string .政府 will focus on global target for those governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services, providing registration service without limitations of border, barrier, and discrimination.

Founded in the year 2000, Net-Chinese, with outstanding technology and service in the domain name business, has been accredited by more than 170 ccTLDs and almost all gTLDs Registries. In addition to domain name registration, Net-Chinese also provides comprehensive domain name services to their clients, including but not limited to technical support, domain name management, marketing and other professional services. Net-Chinese, familiar with the Chinese community, also leverages with TWNIC to build up unique expertise in the management and operation of the Registry of the new .政府 gTLD.

The TWNIC is the unique neutral and non-profit organization that takes charge of the domain name registration and IP address allocation in Taiwan. Besides offering full range network services, the TWNIC participates in various related international conferences, in hopes to provide the best services for Internet service providers in Taiwan through public participation and constant improvements, which are the biggest goal of the TWNIC. TWNIC is the organization for national network information services in Taiwan, to cooperate with international Internet organizations such as ICANN and APNIC as well as equivalent national Internet organizations in other countries, including JPNIC, CNNIC, and KRNIC.

The primary functions and responsibilities of TWNIC are:
- Providing specialized Internet services, including domain name and IP⁄ASN registration and management, as well as directory and database access; in addition, promoting Internet business in Taiwan in a spirit of non-profit, mutual and impartial sharing of network resources
- Coordinating and facilitating activities and cooperation between national and international Internet-related organizations
- Assisting the industry in the promotion of nationwide Internet use, and coordinating the exchange and integration of Internet information services

Currently, TWNIC provides the following registration services:
- Second Level English Domain Name: ASCII.tw Third Level English Domain Name: com.tw, net.tw, org.tw, idv.tw, game.tw, club.tw and ebiz.tw Second Level Chinese Domain Name: 中文.tw and中文.台灣
- Third Level Chinese Domain Name: 商業.tw, 網路.tw and組織.tw

TWNIC provides the most comprehensive .tw and .台灣domain name services. More information on .tw domain name registration services, please refer to www.twdn.tw.

18(b). How do you expect that your proposed gTLD will benefit registrants, Internet users, and others?

This new .政府 gTLD is innovative to create a one-shop show room, where all the official websites of governments around the world can be accessed by visitors with Chinese backgrounds. The Registry for the new .政府 gTLD is, in fact, applying to create and operate a registry business supporting the Internetʹs domain name system. This involves a number of significant responsibilities as the operator of the new .政府 gTLD Registry. Therefore, the Registry will provide the Registry Services as required in the ICANN-Registry Agreement. 
18-2-2 What do you anticipate your proposed gTLD will add to the current space, in terms of competition, differentiation, or innovation?
As the Internet is playing a dominant role in the governmental functions, each government, central or local, looks beyond its traditional jurisdiction. An on-lined identity is critical and an internationalized domain name is a logical next growth step. For example, if the New York City Government would like to establish an on-lined identity in the Chinese world, a newyorkcity.政府, 紐約市.政府or NYC.政府 address may be best for communicating with prospective visitors from China, Hong Kong or Taiwan. The .政府 will provide both Chinese and English registration at the second level to fulfill the needs of the global.
A new IDN .政府 gTLD provides specific services for a specialized community that has unique needs not otherwise served by a ccTLD or other existing gTLDs. The introduction or expansion of IDN gTLDs with .政府has promoted competition, users’ trust and governmental choice.
Unlike ccTLDs also, which provides for a local audience, .政府 gTLD will allow the users to express a relevance in the public sector in order to identify the IDN name of governments and distinguish the services or information from the private sector.
The introduction or expansion of IDN gTLDs with .政府 has promoted innovation in the domain name market by using the equivalent word of government in Chinese to connect the governments around the world with the Chinese Internet users.
18-2-3 What goals does your proposed gTLD have in terms of user experience?
.政府is a highly recognizable string in Chinese characters that is short, easy to remember, versatile but specific and focused on governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services. It captures the essence of the Chinese-speaking or non Chinese-speaking people, places and communities served and it is a sustainable phrase that will not easily become obsolete. .政府 traverses a broad region yet elicits a clear concept and coherence of the community, providing Applicants tremendous value in establishing an Internet presence with global recognition and regional significance.
For the users with Chinese background, it is easier and more convenient for them to identify the name of the government and distinguish the services or information from the private sector.
18-2-4 Provide a complete description of the applicant’s intended registration policies in support of the goals listed above
1. Launch Timeline
(1) Registry Reserved Names
The Registry will reserve certain names from registration in the .政府gTLD , including but not limited to the names appearing on the list of ICANN reserved gTLD names. To protect geographic names, the Registry will reserve all capital city names of a country or territory listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard, city names, sub-national place names listed in the ISO 3166-2 standard, names listed in the ISO 3166-3 standard, and names listed as a UNESCO region or appearing on the“Composition of macro geographic (continental) or regions, geographic sub regions, and selected economic and other groupings” list. Currently TWNIC has constituted a Domain Name Committee which comprises 17 members from a variety of stakeholders. The reserved names will be expended to different dimensions and reviewed by TWNIC Domain Name Committee.
(2) Applicant Identification Verification Process
On the purpose of providing worldwide registration service without limitations of border, barrier, and discrimination, the names under the .政府gTLD will be made available for Applicants who are the authorized representatives of the governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services. The Applicant Identification Verification Process will be operated and designed to confirm the application and validate contact information for prospective Registrants.
(3) Sunrise Period
This is a pre-launch design providing a period of application submission time for those qualified applicants to submit Registration Requests for .政府 gTLD names corresponding to its purpose. If applicable, the Trademark Clearinghouse will be adopted to fulfill pre-launch period rights protection mechanisms (RPMs). These RPMs will consist of a Trademark Claims Service and a Sunrise Period.
(4) General Availability
Following the opening of general registrations: any Applicant who is the authorized representative of the governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services may apply on a first-come, first-served basis to register .政府 gTLD names. The Registry and Registrar will not implement the substantive document review.
When applying to register to the registration of a domain name, the Applicant shall bear sole liability if any information provided by the Applicant is erroneous, false, or infringes any right or interest of a third party:
- The content of all information stated on the domain name registration application form is true, complete, and accurate.
- To the Applicantʹs knowledge, the domain name for which the Applicant applies for registration does not infringe any right or interest of a third party.
- The Applicant is not applying for registration of, and will not use, the domain name out of any improper purpose or in knowing violation of any laws or regulations. The Applicant shall warrant that all information provided in the domain name registration application form is true, complete and accurate.
The Registry and the Registrar shall have the right to cancel the domain name registration if the Applicant in violation to the application rules.
2. Registration of .政府 gTLD Names
Registration Requests for .政府gTLD names may be submitted only by an ICANN-accredited Registrar. The Registry may reject a Registration Request, or may delete, revoke, suspend, cancel or transfer a Registration in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Registry-Registrant Agreement.
3. Term
.政府gTLD names may be registered for a period of no less than one (1) year and no more than ten (10) years, commencing on the date on which the Registration Request submitted by an ICANN-accredited Registrar is created by the Registry. All Registration Requests must specify the registration period. It is the obligation of the ICANN-accredited Registrar, and not the Registry, to notify a Registrant in advance of the termination or expiration of a Registration.
4. Payment to the Registry
The Registry will not accept a Registration Request, and will not renew a Registration at the end of the applicable Term unless it has received payment in full from the applicable ICANN-accredited Registrar. Names subject to a Registration Request or names that result in a Registration will be released in accordance with Registry Policies and ICANN Requirements.
5. Registry-Registrant Agreement
Prior to submitting a Registration Request, the ICANN-accredited Registrar must secure the affirmative consent of the Applicant to the terms and conditions of the Registry-Registrant Agreement, as amended from time to time and posted on the Registry Website.
6. Trademark Claims Notice
At the close of the Sunrise Period, if more than one Sunrise application is made for a domain name, all Sunrise Applicants for that domain name will be notified of the claims made by the other Sunrise Applicants for that name.
By submitting a Registration Request, Applicant agrees that the Registry and⁄or its authorized Trademark Clearinghouse is authorized to share information relating to Applicant’s Registration Request with other Applicants, as indicated in the Trademark Claims Notice above. In the event any Sunrise Applicant proceeds with a Registration Request, such Applicant will be deemed on notice of the Trademark Claims submitted by the other Sunrise Applicant(s) and may not claim lack of notice with regard to such Applicant(s) in any subsequent dispute proceeding.
7. Certification ⁄ Liability
The Applicant shall warrant that all information provided in the domain name registration application form is true, complete and accurate. The Registry and the Registrar shall have the right to cancel the domain name registration if the Applicant in violation to the application rules.
By submitting a Registration Request, Applicants acknowledge, agree, and accept sole and direct liability for damages suffered by any third party injured as a consequence of a Registration Request of a name in the .政府gTLD under this policy.
8. Determinations
The determinations of the Registry and its authorized Trademark Clearinghouse regarding any Registration Requests shall be final and non-appealable; provided, however, that such determination will not affect rights Applicants may have under applicable law, ICANN policies, or Registry-provided dispute resolution procedures.
9. General Availability
During General Availability, Registration Requests made by any Applicant who is the authorized representative of the governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services will be allocated by the Registry through ICANN-accredited Registrars on a first-come, first-served basis subject to the Registry Policies and ICANN Requirements.
10. Preventing Abusive Registrations
The Registry will authenticate any Applicant who is the authorized representative of the government as part of the .政府 gTLD name registration process. As part of this process, the Registry will validate contact information for the Registrant and secure the Registrant’s affirmative consent to the Registry-Registrant Agreement. The Applicant Identification Verification Process must be completed before a domain name is permitted to resolve in the .政府 gTLD.
All Registrants agree to participate in and abide by any determinations made as part the Registry’s dispute resolution procedures, including the Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Procedure (CEDRP), the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS), and ICANN‘s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).
The Registry has selected a neutral third-party as its dispute resolution service provider for the CEDRP, URS, and UDRP procedures. The detailed rules, procedures, and fees for the dispute resolution service provider will be published on the Registry Website.
11. Committee of Registry
Net-Chinese is authorized by TWNIC to submit the application of .政府 gTLD, and TWNIC will fully support the registry operation, back-end, and financial expenditure for this application and operation after delegation.
Primary decision-making responsibility at TWNIC lies with the Board of Directors and Supervisors, which oversees the main committees. These committees are responsible for domain names, IP addresses and protocol, international affairs, and network security respectively.
As indicated above, the Domain Name Committee has been responsibility for forming domain name registration policies for .tw, .台灣, and .台湾. The Committee is composed of total of 17 members from departments of governmental information, communication and technology, private-sectors, law institutions, and end users presenting diversified qualification and expertise. Based on the past experiences, The Registry will follow current mechanism to work with TWNIC Domain Name Committee on the Registry operation for .政府.
In making this decision, TWNIC already possesses a production-proven registry system that can be quickly deployed and smoothly operated over its robust, flexible, and scalable world-class infrastructure. TWNIC will provide the highest level of service while delivering a secure, stable and comprehensive registry platform. TWNIC’s Registry Services platform to deploy .政府 registry, by providing all the Registry Services required by ICANN and its customers.
After a screening and selection process, the Registry will collaborate with Registrars accredited by Net-Chinese by signing a Registry-Registrar Agreement. In full compliance with the ICANN’s policies and rules and the Registry’s duties and responsibilities arising under the ICANN-Registry Agreement, accredited Registrars are bound to promote the brand name awareness of .政府 gTLD and provide professional services in domain name registration for the customers.
The Registry is firmly committed to the protection of trademark rights and to implement the mandatory rights protection mechanisms contained in the Applicant Guidebook and detailed in Specification 7 of the ICANN-Registry Agreement. The Registry will implement the following rights protection mechanisms in accordance with the Applicant Guidebook as further described below:
- Trademark Clearinghouse: a one-stop shop where trademark holders can protect their trademarks with a single registration
- Sunrise and Trademark Claims processes
- Implementation of the UDRP and the rules of UDRP to address domain names that have been registered and used in bad faith
- Uniform Rapid Suspension: A quicker, more efficient and cheaper alternative to the UDRP to deal with clear cut cases of cybersquatting
- Implementation of a Thick WHOIS making it easier for trademark holders to identify and locate infringing parties
18-2-5 Will your proposed gTLD impose any measures for protecting the privacy or confidential information of registrants or users? If so, please describe any such measures.
The Registry understands how important privacy or confidential information is to users. This privacy policy explains how we process information that identifies users personally, when users:
- visit websites operated by Net-Chinese (“Registry Websites”);
- register for .政府 gTLD names.
1. This privacy policy applies only to Personal Information that Net-Chinese collects from and about Registrants or users. It does not apply to information collected by Registrars or third parties when Registrants or users apply to register a .政府 gTLD name with them nor does it apply to information collected on third party sites that Registrants or users may access via a link on Registry Websites.
By using Registry Websites or services, including without limitation by registering or reserving a .政府 gTLD name, Registrants or users consent to the collection, use, processing, and transfer of Registrants’ or users’ Personal Information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Registrants or users consent to the collection, use, processing, and⁄or disclosure of Registrants or users’ sensitive information and their Personal Information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
2. Information Registrants or Users Provided on Registry Websites:
The Registry collects Personal Information that Registrants or users directly provide on any Registry Websites, for example, when Registrants or users submit a question or comment, request to receive updates from the Registry, or submit information regarding Registrants’ or users’ interest in a .政府 gTLD name. The registry also collects information that Registrants or users post on public forums or in chat rooms on Registry Websites.
3. Information Collected Automatically on Registry Websites:
When Registrants or users visit Registry Websites, the Registry servers automatically log certain information including without limitation: the type of browser Registrants or users are using, IP address, other information about Registrants or users’ geographic location, and the domain name of Registrants or users’ Internet service provider.
The Registry’s servers also log information about Registrants’ or users’ activity on Registry Websites, including without limitation the time and date of their visits, the pages they view on any Registry Website, Registrants or users’ responses to offerings and advertisements (if any) presented on the Registry Websites, and the searches they perform, including without limitation any WHOIS searches.
4. Use of Personal Information Collected on Registry Websites:
The Registry uses Personal Information collected on all Registry Websites to operate and improve those Registry Websites, to fulfill Registrants or users’ requests and respond to their inquiries, to understand how Registrants or users use the Registry Websites, and to personalize the content and advertisements Registrants or users see on those Registry Websites.
5. Collection, Use, & Disclosure of Personal Information from Domain Name Registrants:
The Registry collects Personal Information when Applicants apply for the Applicant Identification Verification Process as well as when they apply to register a .政府 gTLD name through any of the ICANN-accredited Registrars.
6. Information Collected in Connection with .政府 gTLD Name Registration
The Registry collects Registrants or users’ personal information with regard to the Applicant Identification Verification Process, trademark rights Information, registration Information, and monitoring Information.
7.Use of Information Collected for .政府 gTLD Name Registrations:
The Registry uses Registrants or users’ personal information with regard to the Applicant Identification Verification Process, trademark rights Information, registration Information and monitoring Information. The Registry also uses this information to operate its business in the ordinary course, improve the Registry’s services, develop new services, and to inform Registrants or users about services that may be of interest to them.
8. Disclosure of Personal Information
The Registry discloses Registration Information to the public in the form of Whois records, as required by ICANN. The Registry does not disclose Registrants or users’ age-related information, credit card information, or other supplemental information used to verify Registrants or users’ identification to the public in the form of Whois records.
The Registry does not share Registrants or users’ sensitive information, Personal Information, identification Information, Trademark Rights Information, or Registration Information with third parties without Registrants or users’ affirmative consent unless it is required otherwise.
The Registry may use agents and contractors in order to help operate the Registry Websites, provide the Registry’s service offerings, and to operate the Registry’s business. Registrants or users expressly consent to the sharing of their Personal Information with the Registry’s agents, contractors and service providers under the premise.
18-2-6 Describe whether and in what ways outreach and communications will help to achieve your projected benefits.
As the partner of .政府 and a world-renowned company specialized in domain name registration and management, Net-Chinese often makes its corporate information available to the public by regularly launching marketing campaigns and other activities to strengthen public relations. Net-Chinese often announces company-related news and corporate insights for public information. Besides these PR campaigns, Net-Chinese launches from time to time marketing initiatives to gain favorable publicity, including traditional, on-lined and other media advertisements. Net-Chinese leverages with different media to target diversified Internet users.

18(c). What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

18-3-1 How will multiple applications for a particular domain name be resolved, for example, by auction or on a first-come⁄first serve basis?

To resolve multiple applications for a particular domain name, .政府 gTLD Registry will implement its registration policy and launch timeline, aside from certain names reserved for the Registry.

1. Sunrise Period: This is a pre-launch design providing a period of application submission time for those qualified applicants to submit Registration Requests for “.政府” gTLD names corresponding to its purpose. If applicable, the Trademark Clearinghouse will be adopted to fulfill pre-launch period rights protection mechanisms (RPMs). These RPMs will consist of a Trademark Claims Service and a Sunrise Period.

2. General Availability: Following the opening of general registrations: any Applicant who is the authorized representative of the government may apply on a first-come, first-served basis to register .政府 gTLD names.

3. UDRP: The Registry is firmly committed to the protection of trademark rights and to implement the mandatory rights protection mechanisms contained in the Applicant Guidebook and detailed in Specification 7 of the ICANN-Registry Agreement. A neutral dispute resolution service provider will be engaged by the .政府 gTLD Registry in domain name dispute resolution in compliance with UDRP and Rules of UDRP promulgated by ICANN and its own supplementary rules.

18-3-2 Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g., advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).

1. Pre-launch Period: The Registry will reserve certain names from registration in the .政府 gTLD , including but not limited to the names appearing on the list of ICANN reserved gTLD names. To protect geographic names, the Registry will reserve all capital city names of a country or territory listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard, city names, sub-national place names listed in the ISO 3166-2 standard, names listed in the ISO 3166-3 standard, and names listed as a UNESCO region or appearing on the “Composition of macro geographic (continental) or regions, geographic sub regions, and selected economic and other groupings” list. Currently TWNIC has constituted a Domain Name Committee which comprises 17 members from a variety of stakeholders. The reserved names will be expended to different dimensions and reviewed by TWNIC Domain Name Committee.

2. General Availability: During the period for General Availability, the Registry will offer cost benefits for Registrants such as advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts or any other price incentives subject to various promotion campaigns. The Registry will also leverage with its business partners for all kinds of promotion campaigns, including governments of the world interested in IDN promotions.

18-3-3 Note that the Registry Agreement requires that registrars be offered the option to obtain initial domain name registrations for periods of one to ten years at the discretion of the registrar, but no greater than ten years. Additionally, the Registry Agreement requires advance written notice of price increases. Do you intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation? If so, please describe your plans.

As a partner of .政府 Net-Chinese strongly believes that a good business relationship with all the ICANN-accredited Registrars will ensure the successful management and operation of .政府 gTLD Registry. Net-Chinese will honor its commitment under the Registry Agreement, which requires that Registrars be offered the option to obtain initial domain name registrations for periods of one to ten years at the discretion of the Registrar, but no greater than ten years.

Additionally, Net-Chinese will also honor its commitment under the Registry Agreement, which requires advance written notice of price increases. Yes, Net-Chinese will make contractual commitments to Registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation.

Net-Chinese will not only adopt a transparent pricing policy, but also give our Registrants a three-month prior notice before any price escalation becomes effective. To assure that our Registrants will be timely informed, Net-Chinese will notify them by e-mail, i-cloud webpage, and official website announcement. Net-Chinese also promises that any price escalation will only take effect for our new Registrants and that the interests of our existing Registrants will not be compromised in any way.

Community-based Designation

19. Is the application for a community-based TLD?


20(a). Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve.

20(b). Explain the applicant's relationship to the community identified in 20(a).

20(c). Provide a description of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD.

20(d). Explain the relationship between the applied-for gTLD string and the community identified in 20(a).

20(e). Provide a description of the applicant's intended registration policies in support of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD.

20(f). Attach any written endorsements from institutions/groups representative of the community identified in 20(a).

Attachments are not displayed on this form.

Geographic Names

21(a). Is the application for a geographic name?


Protection of Geographic Names

22. Describe proposed measures for protection of geographic names at the second and other levels in the applied-for gTLD.

Due to the proposed policy for gTLD .政府, registrants are only allowed to register strings related to the full name or abbreviation of the organization, and the full name or abbreviation of services the organization provided. Registering geographic names is banned, and the Registry will design the reserved names to protect geographic names. 

To protect geographic names, the Registry will reserve all capital city names of a country or territory listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard, city names, sub-national place names listed in the ISO 3166-2 standard, names listed in the ISO 3166-3 standard, and names listed as a UNESCO region or appearing on the“Composition of macro geographic (continental) or regions, geographic sub regions, and selected economic and other groupings” list. Unless Domain Name Committee of .政府 registry allows special registration of geographic names in particular cases, all these names listed above are prohibited from general registration

Through this policy, the Registry believes that reserving all geographic names will avoid domain name abuse and protect rights of related governments.

Registry Services

23. Provide name and full description of all the Registry Services to be provided.

23-1 Registry Service Description

As a ccTLD manager, TWNIC is responsible for .tw, .台灣 and .台湾domain name registration management. And TWNIC provides technical support for .kn. It has been the main mission for TWNIC to provide domain name registration service serving the best interests of Internet users since 2000. The registry services for registrars and registrants are provided as below:
- Registry-Registrar Shared Registration Service (SRS)
- Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- Dissemination of TLD zone files
- IPv6 Support
- Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).
- Additional Proposed Registry Services

Detailed information is provided as below.

Registry-Registrar Shared Registration Service (SRS)

TWNIC will use EPP as Registry-Registrar Shared Registration Service interface. The firewalls guarantee security, allowing the Registry and the Registrar to perform transactions with greatly reduced risk of sensitive data being compromised.
The load balancer allows the traffic to be equally distributed over several hardware components, reducing the risk of downtime caused by hardware or software failure in the Registry servers. Also, the capacity for registrations can be increased. More details are described in the Question 24 SRS Performance.

Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)

The EPP system will be used to manage the domain registration in the .政府TLD. Registrars connect to this EPP system to submit the domain registration requests by creating a TCP⁄IP over SSL session to registry.
The .政府Registry is proposed to be a thick Registry model. This implies that the .政府Registry database system will store the information of the SLD holder of the domain and the contacts (admin and technical) of the SLD holder along with the information of the Registrar who registered the domain. More details are described in the Question 25 Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP).


The .政府Registry will provide WHOIS service to the Registrars and the public. The .政府Registry is based on the thick model, the WHOIS server will provide the following information:
- Domain name
- Registrar
- Registrant, admin. and technical contact’s name and contact information
- Nameservers
- Create, update and expiration date
- Status

The following WHOIS options will be provided:
- Standard WHOIS (Port 43)
- Standard WHOIS (Web-based)

More details are described in the Question 26 Whois.

Domain Name System (DNS)

TWNIC will use dynamic update on .政府DNS for quick response to registrant’s nameservers update, and there are 12 locations around the world to host the DNS servers for .政府. For security and performance issues, BGP anycast and load balance devices will be adopted to guarantee the service quality. More details are described in the Question 35 DNS Service.

Dissemination of TLD Zone Files

TWNIC uses BIND and NSD software for .政府DNS service which support incremental update, any nameserver update to the .政府. SRS will trigger a stored procedure in real-time to do dynamic update and transfer to all .政府DNS servers.
Additional information on the DNS updates may be found in the response to Question 35.

IPv6 Support

All DNS servers for .政府will provide IPv6 resolution service. More details are provided in the Question 36 IPv6 Reachability.


TWNIC will implement RFC5910 on EPP system for the provisioned management of Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for domain names stored in a shared central repository. For DNS, TWNIC uses NSEC3 for authenticated denial of existence in DNS response, SHA-256 for Delegation Signer Resource Records. More details are described in the Question 43 DNSSEC.

Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)

TWNIC follows RFC 3743 and RFC 4713 to implement Internationalized domain name (IDN) registration for .政府TLD. The DNS servers comply with RFC 5891, RFC 5892, RFC 5893 and RFC 5895 for DNS resolution. The WHOIS service provides U-label (utf-8 encoding) and A-label (punycode) queries and to display both U-label and A-label.

The variant table, registration policy and other details are described in the Question 44 IDNs.

Additional Proposed Registry Service

Like Data Escrow and Dynamic WHOIS Updates, the Registry Services will be described on the related questions.

Demonstration of Technical & Operational Capability

24. Shared Registration System (SRS) Performance

Question 24 Shared Registration System (SRS) Performance

24-1 Plan for Operation A Robust and Reliable SRS

TWNIC is responsible for .tw, .kn, .台灣 and .台湾domain name registrations, managements and has provided registration service to ensure the best interests of Internet users since 2000.

Net Chinese has partnered with TWNIC which is an experienced TLD registry operator, for the operation of the .政府 Registry. TWNIC is confident that the plan in place for the operation of a robust and reliable Shared Registration System (SRS) as currently provided by TWNIC will satisfy the criterion established by ICANN.

The SRS system manages the domain registration in the .政府Registry TLD. Registrars connect to this system to submit their domain registration requests by creating a TCP⁄IP over SSL session with the .政府Registry. There will be firewall, load balance devices and multiple servers to provide SRS service.

TWNIC will use EPP as interface for registrars to access registry database, which comply with Specification 6 and 10 in Registry Agreement.

Compliance with Specification 6 Section 1.2
A core set of RFCs that standardize the interface that make up the registry-registrar model define Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP). The standards of EPP are described and embodied in many IETF RFCs, ICANN contracts and practices, and registry-registrar agreements. The SRS implementation for .政府 will fully follow the Specification 6, including section 1.2. The SRS interface supports EPP 1.0 as defined in the following RFCs shown in Table 24-1 (Q24_attachment):

Additional information on the EPP implementation and compliance with RFCs can be found in the response to Question 25.

Compliance with Specification 10
The performance specifications of the TLD, including service level requirements related EPP is defined in specification 10 of the New TLD Agreement. The requirements for Availability and transaction response time measurements are both included. For a long time, TWNIC performs its high quality registry services that exceed the performance specifications requested in ICANN’s agreements. Thus, the same level of high quality registry services of .政府is assured and the registry services will surely meet the requirements in the new agreement. In Table 24-2 (Q24_attachment), TWNIC’s performance is depicted.

24-1-1 High-level SRS System Description

The .政府 TLD registry⁄registrar model is a thick registry which store contacts and authentication details in the registry’s central database. Under this model, registrars must deal with registry to upload domain name details to central database.

TWNIC will use EPP as the registry registrar interface, which has capability to create, update and delete domain name, contact information and nameservers to registry database and it is flexible and extensible to add data-field to support IDN and DNSSEC.

Details about EPP please reference Question 25.

24-1-2 Network Diagram
The network design provides the infrastructure necessary to install and implement an enterprise network. The design includes solutions for a number of functional areas:
- Network Architecture
- Network Cabling Infrastructure
- Network Hardware
- Network Management
- Host and Server Integration

24-1-2-1 Network Architecture

The Network Architecture defines the three network infrastructure components (fiber optic backbone, local distribution, and wide area connectivity) discussed in this design and provides a graphical illustration of how these three components combine to form the Enterprise Network. The network diagram is shown in Figure 24-1 (Q24_attachment).

It also describes the logical connectivity of the network hardware as a preface to the discussion in the Network Hardware section.

24-1-2-2 Network Cabling Infrastructure

The next section of the design is the Network Cabling Infrastructure. The proposed solution is based on a hierarchical star wiring topology which is capable of supporting existing and future networking technologies. The solution proposed is compliant with the EIA⁄TIA 568 standards for structured building wiring. This guarantees that the network infrastructure will fully meet the current and long term information needs.

24-1-2-3 Network Hardware

The Network Hardware portion of the design offers a solution from Cisco as the recommended network concentrator manufacturer. We have based our selection on several factors which are explained in detail later in this design.

24-1-2-3 Network Management

In the Network Management section, we propose two levels of network management functionality: Enterprise-wide and Facility Management.

The Enterprise Network Management solution provides a platform and application software functionality with the power to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot any network concentrator or router throughout the network. This solution is designed to facilitate centralized day-to-day management and monitoring of the network.

The Facility Management capability provides a scaled-down capability for local network configuration and complete desktop management functionality within the facility. The facility management package permits the local network administrator to perform complete configuration of network concentrators (such as port assignments) and management of user applications, workstation configuration, and applications metering on network servers.

24-1-2-4 Host and Server Integration

The Network Host and Server Integration section provides solutions for each of the network hosts and servers defined in the near-term IS applications plan and to make sure the plan can be deployment on each service node on IDC.

24-1-3 Number of Servers

As depicted in the SRS network diagram, TWNIC operates a high availability architecture where at each level of the stack there are no single points of failures. Each of the network level devices runs with dual pairs as do the databases. For the .政府 registry, the SRS will operate with 8 servers (include spare servers).

24-1-4 Description of Interconnectivity with Other Registry Systems

The two database servers is Oracle 10g with Oracle replication which sync near real-time. Each EPP servers connect to the two databases simultaneously. This model allows for high performance while also ensuring protection of data. See response to Question 33 for more detail.

24-1-5 Frequency of Synchronization between Servers

The database servers sync each other near real-time by Oracle replication mechanism. As EPP servers are the front end of databases to do protocol translate, there is no need to synchronize each other. WHOIS and DNS servers update are trigger by stored procedure, it may a few seconds delay.

24-1-6 Synchronization Scheme

The database servers and EPP servers are running in load sharing mode, Oracle servers are replicate by Oracle replication.

24-2 Resourcing Plans

TWNIC SRS implementation is very mature, and has been in production for over 10 years. At the initial stage, use existing system architecture and performance tuning will be used.

TWNIC supports all the necessary resources indicated in gTLD Applicant Guidebook and Registry Agreement. The following resources will be provided by TWNIC to support the .政府 TLD operation(Table 24-3, Q24_attachment).

25. Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)

25-1 EPP

TWNIC has begun to adopt EPP protocol for .tw TLD domain name registration since January 2004, and provide Chinese domain name registration since April 2005. Recently, RFC 5910 Domain Name System (DNS) Security Mapping for the EPP is also implemented. TWNIC is experienced in using EPP.

25-1-1 EPP Interface

.政府registry will provide both production and OT&E EPP servers for registrars, which include production domain name registration and management functions. Another independent test environment for registrars is to do R&D and testing. Figure 25-1 (Q25_attachment) shows .政府registry’s EPP structure.

EPP includes three major category functions (Table 25-1 EPP function, Q25_attachment):

The main features of the EPP implementation are:
- EPP is flexible to extend because it is based on XML.
- The UTF8 encoding allows EPP to be used for multi-lingual data collection.
- EPP uses Transaction Layer Security for data encryption during data transfer. There is no data leakage issue.
- Registry and registrar use the same interface (open standard) to communicate and reduce the complexity of the system.

A typical EPP session will be started by a hello command. After server responds a greeting, client must send out a login command for authentication. When the authentication completes, it means an EPP session is established, and client can send out query commands until the logout command is received. Figure 25-2 and 25-3 (Q25_attachment) show the typical EPP session between EPP client and EPP server.

25-1-2 Comply with RFCs and Specifications

The registry-registrar model is described and embodied in a number of IETF RFCs, ICANN contracts and practices, and registry-registrar agreements. As shown in Table 25-1, EPP is defined by the core set of RFCs that standardize the interface that registrars use to provision domains with the SRS. As a core component of the SRS architecture, the implementation is fully compliant with all EPP RFCs such as 3735, 3915, 5730-5734 and 5910 (Table 25-2 Comply with RFCs and Specifications, Q25_attachment).

25-2 Proprietary EPP Extensions

The .政府 registry will implement two proprietary EPP extensions for IDN and registry gateway functions, the extension will be implemented in compliance with all RFC specifications including RFC 3735 (Table 25-3 Proprietary EPP Extensions, Q25_attachment).

- IDN extension 〈EPP Schema〉 such as shown in Figure 25-4 (Q25_attachment)
- Registry gateway extension 〈EPP Schema〉 such as shown in Figure 25-5 (Q25_attachment)

25-3 Resourcing Plans

TWNIC supports all the necessary resources indicated in the New gTLD Applicant Guidebook and Registry Agreement. The following resources will be provided by TWNIC to support the .政府 TLD operation (Table 25-4 Resourcing Plans, Q25_attachment).

26. Whois

A WHOIS service able to handle a sustained and significant load will be set up. The available WHOIS servers will be co-located in the main data centers, on a high availability active⁄active load balanced failover system, and in external sites located with the external DNS servers. New servers can be easily added.

The software will be developed in-house, and will follow RFC and Specifications 4 in registry agreement. This software will be tailored to handle fast searches with the capability of give replies for partial match, exact-match and Boolean search of a domain name.

26-1 Compliance with RFC and Specifications 4 and 10

Table 26-1 (Q26_attachment) shows the TWNIC’s WHOIS service will comply with RFC 3912 and Specification 4 and 10 in Registry Agreement.

TWNIC already provided port 43 and web based WHOIS service s for .TW, .台灣, .台湾 and .KN. Based on the past experience, the availability is 100% since we have provided the port 43 and web based WHOIS services. The average round-trip time 〈 120ms and the update of WHOIS database is in real-time, details performance data please reference Question 34.

26-2 High-Level WHOIS System Description

The WHOIS service supports IDN queries both in U-label and A-label form, the output data in UTF-8 encoding.

We also provide web based WHOIS queries with same output as WHOIS service (port 43). Figure 26-1 (Q26_attachment) showed the output of web based WHOIS.

26-3 Relevant Network Diagram

The WHOIS service has two servers for load balance and to be protected by firewall. The service and database are separated. The second firewall between service and database, WHOIS database is synchronized from SRS database and provide WHOIS server. The network diagram shows in Figure 26-2 (Q26_attachment).

The WHOIS service uses ASUS servers, each with 2 X Quad Core CPU and 16GB of RAM. The existing WHOIS service has 2 servers, and to be designed for future scaled with additional servers when needed.

WHOIS database uses 2 HP servers, each with 48GB RAM and 12T RAID disk.
Cisco Switches and Firewalls are all redundant which can provide high availability.

26-4 IT and Infrastructure Resources

The WHOIS servers will run stripped down versions of Linux, offering whois query service and also to provide secure shell (ssh) remote login management. This approach will make it easy to monitor and maintain the systems, and minimize the damage in case of a security breach or other events caused by system downtime.

The services will use a wide extent of open source software. While statistics shown that open source software has more or less the same amount of security problems as proprietary software, security patches are usually available much faster, often within 24 hours. Security staffs will daily monitor security related web sites for relevant security problems, and apply patches as soon as they are available.

In cases where especially security problems are found and⁄or patches does not seem to become available within a reasonable time, the open source software model will allow the staff to be assigned to write⁄create a patch for assigning our own staff to writing a patch.

All of the systems will be running the ssh service, which utilizes heavily encrypted connections and strong authentication, to provide remote administration capabilities. The ssh service has been the standard secure remote login service for several years, and has no known security problems.

The Firewalls protect the WHOIS data which is sensitive, firewall configure only access from WHOIS servers to WHOIS databases and allow access to WHOIS servers’ TCP port 43 and port 80 from Internet.

The load balancer provides high availability and high performance which can guarantee no single failure point.

26-5 Interconnectivity with Other Registry System

When an update is made by a registrar that impacts WHOIS data, a stored procedure is triggered and sent an update to the WHOIS database.

26-6 Frequency of Synchronization between Servers

Updates from the SRS to WHOIS servers happen in real-time via an Oracle stored procedure.

26-7 Provision for Searchable WHOIS Capabilities

TWNIC will set up a new web-based WHOIS service in accordance with requirements as specified in Specification 4 Section 1.8. The following fields will assist users to search the WHOIS directory such as Domain name, Registrar ID, Contacts and registrant’s name, and Contact and registrant’s postal address, including all the sub-fields described in EPP (e.g., street, city, state or province, etc.). The system will also allow search using non-Latin character sets in UTF-8 encoding or punycode which are compliant with IDNA specification.

26-8 Abuse Prevention

Potential abuses may include mass search or data mining, unauthorized access or attack like Deny of Service.

For mass search, TWNIC has implemented a rule to delay or block the search from an IP address on the WHOIS servers if there are too many queries coming from the same IP address in a short time.

In addition, TWNIC will provide the bulk inquiry service in order to avoid a large number of WHOIS inquiries.

For attack from Internet, TWNIC has setup firewall for WHOIS servers and WHOIS database servers. Possible types of attack and solutions are shown in Table 26-2 (Q26_attachment).

26-9 Resourcing Plans

TWNIC supports all the necessary resources indicated in gTLD Applicant Guidebook and Registry Agreement. The following resources will be provided by TWNIC to support the
.政府 TLD operation (Table 26-3 Resourcing Plans, Q26_attachment).

27. Registration Life Cycle

27-1 Registration States

TWNIC will use the EPP 1.0 standard to provision domain names, contacts, and hosts. Each domain name record is comprised of three main registry object types: domain, contacts, and hosts.

The following is a brief description indicating the status for the EPP which will be used by TWNIC in registration. Some statuses are only applied for registry or for registrars.
- OK - An OK status code is assigned to a domain name when it is initially registered. Domains with an OK status code are included in the appropriate zone files so long as there are name servers associated with the domain name. Domains with the EPP status code “OK” can be updated, transferred, or renewed by the Registrar.
- Inactive - An Inactive status code is assigned to a domain name by the Registry when the domain name has no delegated name servers. It may also be assigned to host or contact that is not associated with any domain names.
- PendingTransfer - A PendingTransfer status code is assigned to a domain name by the registry when the domain name is in the process of being transferred from one Registrar to another.
- PendingDelete - A PendingDelete status code is assigned to a domain name by the registry. Most commonly for domains expired, with the EPP status code “PendingDelete” is not included in the zone files.
- ServerHold - ServerHold status code is assigned to a domain name by the registry. The ServerHold status code means that a domain name has been deleted from the DNS. Most commonly for domains expired, domains with the EPP status code “ServerHold” is not included in the zone files.
- ClientHold - ClientHold status code is assigned to a domain name by the registrar. The ClientHold status code means that a domain name has been deleted from the DNS. The Hold status most commonly for a financial, legal, or operational reason. Domains with the EPP status code “ClientHold” is not included in the zone files.
- ServerUpdateProhibited - ServerUpdateProhibited status code is assigned to a domain name by the registry. It prevents the domain name from being modified by an update command. The registry can add a UpdateProhited, the domain name will not be updated online at this time.
- ClientUpdateProhibited - ClientUpdateProhibited status code is assigned to a domain name by the registrar. It prevents the domain name from being modified by an Update command. The registrar can add an UpdateProhited, the domain name will not be updated online at this time.
- ServerTransferProhibited - ServerTransferProhited status code is assigned to a domain name by the registry. It prevents the domain name from being transferred to another Registrar by the transfer command. Most commonly for domains expired, the registry can add a TransferProhited, the domain name will not be transfer online at this time.
- ClientTransferProhibited - ClientTransferProhited status code is assigned to a domain name by the registrar. It prevents the domain name from being transferred to another Registrar by the transfer command. The TransferProhibited status most commonly for a financial, legal, or operational reason. The registry can add a TransferProhited, the domain name will not be transferred online at this time.
- ServerRenewProhibited - ServerRenewProhited status code is assigned to a domain name by the registry. It prevents a domain from being renewed by a Renew command.
- ClientRenewProhibited - ClientRenewProhited status code is assigned to a domain name by the registrar. It prevents a domain from being renewed by a Renew command.
- ServerDeleteProhibited - ServerDeleteProhited status code is assigned to a domain name by the registry. It prevents the domain from being deleted by a Delete command. The registry can add a DeleteProhited. Most commonly for domains expired..
- ClientDeleteProhibited - ClientDeleteProhited status code is assigned to a domain name by the registrar. It prevents the domain from being deleted by a Delete command. The registrar can add a DeleteProhited. The domain name will not be deleted online at this time.

The lifecycle of a domain begins with the registration of the domain. All registrations must follow the EPP standard. Upon registration a domain will either be in an active or inactive state. Domains in an active state are delegated and have their delegation information published to the zone. Please see Figure 27-1 (Q27_attachment) for the status description of domain name lifecycle.

27-2 Typical Registration Lifecycle

.政府 will follow the lifecycle and business rules found in the majority of gTLDs registration market today (Figure 27-1 Domain Name Lifecycle, Q27_attachment).

Description of Lifecycle for the .政府:
- Create a new .政府 Domain name: When a new domain name is registered, the status will be OK or INACTIVE. If the domain with Name Server the status will be OK; if the domain name without Name Server the status will be INACTIVE.
- Update .政府 Domain name: The domain name can update their contact information in OK or INACTIVE status. The Registrar or Registry can add UpdatedProhibited status follow up the policy.
-Transfer .政府 Domain name: The domain name can be transferred to another registrar in OK or INACTIVE status. The Registrar or Registry can add TransferProhibited status. The domain name will be into PendingTranfser if the registrar sends the transfer request.
- Renew .政府 Domain name: The domain name can be renewed in OK or INACTIVE status. The Registrar or Registry can add it to the RenewedProhibited status.
- Delete .政府 Domain name: The new registered domain name can be deleted in grace period (120 hours). If the domain has not renewed before expiration date, the domain will put into delete list. The domain name will be added into pendingDelete status and remove from zone file.
- End of .政府Domain Registration: when 30-Day pendingDelete grace period ends, the registered domain name will be removed from database and released to the public.

As described above, the domain lifecycle is determined by ICANN policy and the EPP RFCs. TWNIC has been operating ccTLDs for the past 10 years consistently and compliantly with all the ICANN policies and related EPP RFCs.

27-2-1 Status

See Figure 27-2 (Q27_attachment) Status Description of Domain Name Lifecycle.

Each domain name can do different action in different states following table is status compare with function (Table 27-1 Status and Function, Q27_attachment)

27-3 Time Elements Involved

Applicable Time Elements

The following section will describe the time elements that are involved in the registration process.

The Grace Period for the New Registration and Renewal for the .政府

The domain may be deleted for credit during the initial 120 hours of a registration, and the registrar will receive a billing credit for the original registration. If the domain is deleted during the Add Grace Period, the domain is dropped from the database immediately and a credit is applied to the registrar’s billing account.

The time for frozen

- Once the domain name will not be continued to renew before the expiry date, the domain name will be frozen in the following day.
- The domain name will be removed from the zone file, but the domain still exists in the database and will not be resolved at this time.
- The domain name will be the pendingDelete,serverHold,serverTransferProhibited during the frozen period.

The time for Transfer Delete Period

The Transfer Delete Grace Period is associated with the date the Domain was transferred to another Registrar. Domains may be deleted for credit during the 120 hours after a transfer. It should be noted that domains that are deleted during the renew grace period will be placed into PendingDelete and will enter the renew grace period. A deletion of domain after a transfer is not the method used to correct a transfer mistake. Domains that have been erroneously transferred or hijacked by another party can be transferred back to the original registrar through various means including contacting the Registry.

27-4 Resourcing Plans

The registration lifecycle and associated business rules are largely determined by policy and business requirements; as such the product management and policy teams will play a critical role in working with applicant to determine the precise rules that meet the requirements of the TLD.

The .政府 registry will be using standard lifecycle rules, and as such no customization is anticipated. TWNIC supports all the necessary resources indicated in gTLD Applicant Guidebook and Registry Agreement. The following resources will be provided by TWNIC to support the .政府 TLD operation (Table 27-2 Resourcing Plans, Q27_attachment).

28. Abuse Prevention and Mitigation

28-1 Implementation Plan

The .政府 Registry has an implementation plan to reduce the domain name abuses, and to prohibit any abusive and malicious domain activities, including but not limited to the situations such as Phishing, Pharming, Spam, Illegal or fraudulent actions, Distribution of malware. In this plan, the Registry will set the prevention policies and to be incorporated into the Registry-Registrar Agreement, also be set forth in the “Registrar-Registrant Agreement”.

28-1-1 Abuse Prevention Policy

28-1-1-1 Registry Reserved Names

The Registry will reserve certain names from registration in the .政府 gTLD , including but not limited to the names appearing on the list of ICANN reserved gTLD names. To protect geographic names, the Registry will reserve all capital city names of a country or territory listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard, city names, sub-national place names listed in the ISO 3166-2 standard, names listed in the ISO 3166-3 standard, and names listed as a UNESCO region or appearing on the “Composition of macro geographic (continental) or regions, geographic sub regions, and selected economic and other groupings” list. Currently TWNIC has constituted a Domain Name Committee which comprises 17 members from a variety of stakeholders. The reserved names will be expended to different dimensions and reviewed by TWNIC Domain Name Committee.

28-1-1-2 Applicant Identification Verification Process

The names under the .政府 gTLD will only be made available for Applicants who are the authorized representatives of the related governmental organizations, agencies, or any other institutions for public services. The Applicant Identification Verification Process will be operated before commencement of Sunrise Period, and available thereafter on an ongoing basis. The process is designed to confirm the status and validate contact information for prospective Registrants who are the authorized representatives for their organizations. Applicants who are not the authorized representatives corresponding to the names under .政府 gTLD that they would not be qualified to apply.

28-1-2 Domain Name Anti-Abuse Policy

The .政府 Registry set Domain Name Anti-Abuse Policy, which is stated in the “Registry-Registrant Agreement” and the Applicant Guideline, anyone who wants to register a domain name shall read the Applicant Guideline and need to sign the “Registrar-Registrant Agreement”, it contains below items:
- Registrantʹs Obligation of Disclosure
- The .政府 Registry’s Administration Right
- Dispute Resolution
- Complaints Reporting Procedure

28-1-2-1 Registrantʹs Obligation of Disclosure

When applying to register or renew a domain name or to change domain name registration information, the registrant shall disclose to the registrar and warrant the truthfulness of the below-listed matters, and shall assume sole responsibility for any infringement of rights or interests of others:
- That the statements made on the application form are complete and accurate.
- That, to the Registrantʹs knowledge, the domain name registered by it does not infringe on rights or interests of others.
- That it is not registering, and will not use, the domain name for improper purposes.
- That it is not deliberately registering, and will not deliberately use, the domain name in a manner that violates applicable laws or regulations.

28-1-2-2 .政府 Registry’s Administration Right

Based on international Internet community practice and in consideration of public interests such as protection of consumers, protection of intellectual property rights, enforcement of laws etc., the .政府 Registry and the Registrar have the right to cancel the domain name registration if there is any breach of “Registry-Registrant Agreement”.

28-1-2-3 Dispute Resolution

All Registrants agree to participate in and abide by any determinations made as part the Registry’s dispute resolution procedures, including the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS), ICANN‘s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), and related Dispute Resolution Policy announced by ICANN.

The Registry will select a neutral third-party as its dispute resolution service provider to process related dispute resolution procedures. The detailed rules, procedures, and fees for the dispute resolution service provider will be published on the Registry Website.

28-1-2-4 Reporting Abusive Registrations Procedure

The .政府registry will establish abuse contact point to be responsible for reporting related malicious and abusive conduct. If the .政府 Registry receives a report in regard to abusive registration will follow this process:
- If the complaint is reporting for malicious activity such as phishing, pharming, distribution of malware, which will be transferred to the contact point, then trigger the notifying procedure immediately.
- If the complaint is reporting for abusive conduct,
* Check the qualifications of registrants.
* Inform registrants to submit documents and evidences for proper use of the domain names within a period time.
* If registrants cannot submit those documents within the period, the .政府 Registry will cancel the registration of these domain names.
* .政府 Registry will check the accuracy of those documents when those documents received, then to decide whether cancel the domain names or not.

28-1-3 Contact Point for Domain Abuse

The .政府registry will establish contact point for domain name abuse to be responsible for addressing inquiries of malicious and abusive conduct and publish on the website. This information consists of a valid e-mail address and telephone number. The registry will ensure that this information will be accurate and up to date.

28-2 Policies for Handling Complaints Regarding Abuse

The .政府registry has Abuse Prevention Policy and Domain Name Anti-Abuse Policy which are incorporated into the Registry-Registrar Agreement and the “Registry-Registrant Agreement”. The policies describe that .政府reserves the right for the registry to take the appropriate actions based on the type of abuse.

If a abuse complaint process has been triggered, it will not be allowed to have any changes of domain name’s contact and name server information. Then the registry will follow the resolution of the Reporting Abusive Registrations Procedure or Dispute Abuse Procedure to take the final action.

If domain name is being used that appears to threaten the stability, security of registry, or it’s registrar partners and registrant, the .政府 registry will use the Domain Name Anti-Abuse Policy that have ability to lock, cancel, transfer or other activity of the domain names.

When receive complaint or any other alert, the Domain Name Anti-Abuse Policy may be triggered.

ICANN-Accredited Registrar all have to agree to pass through the Domain Name Anti-Abuse Policy to its Resellers and TLD registrants.

The .政府 registry also set some procedure to mitigate and reduce the possibility of abusive use of domain names. It includes WHOIS accuracy and malicious activity monitoring.

28-2-1 Assure WHOIS Accuracy

The .政府 registry will implement a thick WHOIS database as required in Specification 4 of the Registry agreement.
- Applicants shall provide true, complete and accurate information. The .政府 registry may request the applicant to submit documentations for examination purposes when necessary. The .政府 registry shall have the right to cancel a domain name registration at any time when the provided information is found incorrect. This is declared in “Registrar-Registrant Agreement”, registrants need to sign the “Registrar-Registrant Agreement” when register or renew of a domain name or to change domain name registration information.
- Registrars are obliged to ensure that the WHOIS database records submitted by their customers are accurate. The .政府registry shall have the right to cancel a domain name registration at any time when the provided information is found incorrect.
- Annual System Spot Check: The .政府Registry will have annual system spot check for WHOIS database accuracy, looking for any data that appears to be inaccurate, including missing data and mistakes that appear to be unintentional.

28-2-2 Monitoring for Malicious Activity

If any malicious activity happened, the .政府 registry targets domain names which are verified to be abusive and removes them within a period.

When receive a complaint which claims that a domain name is being used to threaten the stability and security of the TLD from a trusted source, third-party, or detected by .政府 Registry, information about the abusive practice is forwarded to an internal mail distribution list that includes members of processing team. The action will be taken either to take down the domain name or to place the domain name on hold status.

If determines there is a reasonable likelihood that the incident warrants immediate action, the domain name will be removed from the zone immediately.

28-3 Measures for Removal of Orphan Glue Records

Glue records can be used maliciously to point out the name servers which host the domain names to be used in illegal phishing and other abusive activities. When the .政府 registry gets evidences of actual abuse of orphaned glue, the registry will take action to remove those records from the zone.

If the .政府registry becomes aware of actual abuse on orphaned glue after receiving written notification by a third party through its Abuse Contact or through its customer support, such glue records will be removed from the zone.

28-4 Measures to Promote WHOIS Accuracy

28-4-1 Complaints Handling for Inaccurate or Incomplete WHOIS Data

The .政府registry will offer a mechanism whereby third parties can submit complaints directly to the registrars about inaccurate or incomplete WHOIS data. The process is as below:
- When the .政府 registry or any of its registrars receive a domain name compliant by third-party, a mail will send to registrant to inform the domain’s WHOIS information has been complained by the third-party.
- Registrant need to update its WHOIS data within a period and then .政府registry or any of its registrars will examine the WHOIS data to check whether the information is correct.
- If registrant failed to take any action or the WHOIS data is still inaccuracy. Domain name will probably be suspended or deleted.

The .政府 registry will include a thick WHOIS database as required in Specification 4 of the Registry agreement.

28-4-2 E-MAIL Confirmation Process

At the last step of registration, the .政府 registry will send a confirmation e-mail to registrant.

Registrant should check the WHOIS data and confirm all the information correct. After examination, registrant has to click the link in this mail to identity verification. The application will be successful if all the processes above have been completed.

28-4-3 Monitoring of Registration Data

The .政府 registry will regularly monitor the registration data for accuracy and completeness by employing authentication methods, establishing policies and procedures to address domain names with inaccurate or incomplete WHOIS data.

Registrant should confirm the information is correct and need to provide accurate and reliable contact detail.

When data changed, registrant should update it immediately.

28-4-4 Domain Update Process

The .政府 registry provides multi-factor authentication to ensure proper access to domain functions.

When a domain name is proceeding any update, such as renewal, transfer, deletion, it requires multi-factor authentication. After update domain’s status, the system will send a confirmation e-mail, and registrant needs to click the link in this mail to identity verification to complete the process.

28-5 Co-works with CERT for Malicious Activity

The .政府 registry has coordinated the policy and procedure with TWCERT Coordination Center, everyone can report improper use of domain names, such as phishing or pharming on the reporting system, then it will trigger the notifying and action procedure. The relevant parties, e.g. ISPs, registry and registrars will receive the immediately notifications and take action to remove phishing sites.

28-6 Adequate Controls to Ensure Proper Access to Domain Functions

The .政府 registry defines the control mechanisms for ensuring proper access, including the following items:

28-6-1 Entry ID and Password

Registrants will get an entry ID and Password for accessing the Domain Name Management System, if the registrant wants to change the registration information need to be authenticated by the ID and Password.

If registrant lost the ID or Password, it is necessary to submit the qualification documents to registrars, then to get the new password after the confirmation by registrars.

28-6-2 E-MAIL Confirmation Process

As the new registration process, the .政府 registry will send a conformation e-mail to registrant when the registrant gets the new password. The registrant has to click the link in this mail to identity verification and use new password to access his⁄her domain name management website.

28-7 Resourcing Plans

For abuse mitigation is basis on variety of functional groups. It includes Policy⁄Legal team, Technical Support Team, and Customer Support team. Customer Support team need to assist the investigation and response to customers, and notifying registrars of abusive domains. Policy⁄Legal team is responsible for developing policies and procedures. Technical Support Team needs to support the DNS relevant procedure and mechanisms. The resource is described as Table 28-1 (Q28_attachment).

29. Rights Protection Mechanisms

In order to protect the legal rights of registrants and other third-parties, TWNIC is firmly committed to the protection of trademark rights and implements the mandatory rights protection mechanisms contained in the Applicant Guidebook and detailed in Specification 7 of the ICANN-Registry Agreement. The rights protection mechanisms will be in accordance with the Applicant Guidebook as further described below:

29-1 Safeguards in Pre-launch Period

29-1-1 Registry Reserved Names

TWNIC will reserve certain names from registration in the .政府 gTLD , including but not limited to the names appearing on the list of ICANN reserved gTLD names. To protect geographic names, TWNIC will reserve all capital city names of a country or territory listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard, city names, sub-national place names listed in the ISO 3166-2 standard, names listed in the ISO 3166-3 standard, and names listed as a UNESCO region or appearing on the “Composition of macro geographic (continental) or regions, geographic sub regions, and selected economic and other groupings” list. Currently TWNIC has constituted a Domain Name Committee which comprises 17 members from a variety of stakeholders. The reserved names will be expended to different dimensions and reviewed by TWNIC’s Domain Name Committee.

29-1-2 Applicant Identification Verification Process

The names under the .政府 gTLD will only be made available for applicants who are the authorized representatives of the government. The applicant identification verification process will be operational before commencement of sunrise period, and available thereafter on an ongoing basis. The process is designed to confirm the status and validate contact information for prospective registrants who are the authorized representatives of the government. Applicants who are not the authorized representatives of the government corresponding to the names under .政府 gTLD that they are applying for would not be qualified to apply.

29-1-3 Sunrise Period

This is a pre-launch opportunity for any applicant who is the authorized representative of the government to submit registration requests for .政府gTLD names corresponding to its registered trademarks in use. TWNIC will use the Trademark Clearinghouse to support its pre-launch period rights protection mechanisms (RPMs). These RPMs will consist of a trademark claims service and a sunrise period.

29-1-3-1 Trademark Clearinghouse

Trademark owners have their rights validated by a Trademark Clearinghouse provider prior to the registration being accepted by TWNIC. The Trademark Clearinghouse is expected to serve ʺas a central repository for information to be authenticated, stored, and disseminatedʺ relating to the rights of trademark owners. It defined process for checking the eligibility of the legal rights claimed as the basis of sunrise application.

29-1-3-2 Trademark Claims Processes

TWNIC will give owners of trademarks entered in the Trademark Clearinghouse the right to register a domain name consisting of the trademark before registration is available to the general public.

At the close of the sunrise period, if more than one sunrise application is made for a domain name, all sunrise applicants for that domain name will be notified of the claims made by the other sunrise applicants for that name.

By submitting a registration request, applicant agrees that TWNIC and⁄or its authorized Trademark Clearinghouse is authorized to share information relating to applicant’s registration request with other applicants, as indicated in the trademark claims notice above. In the event any sunrise applicant proceeds with a registration request, such applicant will be deemed on notice of the trademark claims submitted by the other sunrise applicant(s) and may not claim lack of notice with regard to such applicant(s) in any subsequent dispute proceeding.

29-1-3-3 Sunrise Process

The sunrise period will be open to governments and those prospective registrants who have been the authorized representatives of the governments. This period will run for 60 days. All registration requests must include the applicant’s certification, representation, and warranty that the request is compliant with the relevant sunrise requirements. Requests that do not contain the required certification and warranty will be rejected by TWNIC. Any applicant who is eligible may apply on a first-come, first-served basis to register .政府gTLD names.

29-2 Safeguards in General Registrations

29-2-1 Certification⁄Verification

The names under the .政府gTLD will only be made available for applicants who are the authorized representatives of the government. All registration requests must include the applicant’s certification, representation, and warranty that the request is compliant with the relevant Sunrise requirements. Requests that do not contain the required certification and warranty will be rejected by TWNIC.

By submitting a registration request, applicants acknowledge, agree, and accept sole and direct liability for damages suffered by any third party injured as a consequence of a registration request of a name in the .政府gTLD under this policy.

2-2-2 Registry-Registrant Agreement

Prior to submitting a registration request, the ICANN-accredited registrars must secure the affirmative consent of the applicant to the terms and conditions of the Registry-Registrant Agreement, as amended from time to time and posted on the TWNIC’s website.

The Registry-Registrant Agreement contains those items:
- Registrantʹs Obligation of Disclosure
- .政府Registry’s Administration Right
- Dispute Resolution
- Complaints Reporting Procedure

29-2-2-1 Registrantʹs Obligation of Disclosure

When applying to register or renew registration of a domain name or to change domain name registration information, the registrant shall disclose to the registrar and warrant the truthfulness of the below-listed matters, and shall assume sole responsibility for any infringement of rights or interests of others:
- That the statements made on the application form are complete and accurate.
- That, to the registrantʹs knowledge, the domain name registered by it does not infringe on rights or interests of others.
- That it is not registering, and will not use, the domain name for improper purposes.
- That it is not deliberately registering, and will not deliberately use, the domain name in a manner that violates applicable laws or regulations.

29-2-2-2 .政府 Registry’s Administration Right

Based on international Internet community practice and in consideration of public interests such as protection of consumers, protection of intellectual property rights, enforcement of laws etc., TWNIC and its Registrars have the right to cancel the domain name registration if there is any breach of “Registry-Registrant Agreement”.

29-2-2-3 Dispute Resolution

All registrants agree to participate in and abide by any determinations made as part the registry’s dispute resolution procedures, including the Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Procedure (CEDRP), the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS), and ICANN‘s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).

TWNIC has selected a neutral third-party as its dispute resolution service provider for the CEDRP, URS, and UDRP procedures. The detailed rules, procedures, and fees for the dispute resolution service provider will be published on TWNIC’s website.

29-2-2-4 Complaints Reporting Procedure

TWNIC will establish abuse point of contact responsible for reporting of malicious and abusive conduct. If TWNIC receives a report of something about domain name dispute, TWNIC will pass the case to dispute resolution service provider then follow the Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Procedure (CEDRP), the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS), and ICANN‘s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) to handle the Dispute Abuse Procedure.

29-2-3 Implementation of Thick WHOIS

TWNIC will include a thick WHOIS database as required in Specification 4 of the Registry Agreement. Thick WHOIS provides could let registry more easily manage and control the accuracy of data, and a consistent user experience.
- Applicants shall provide true complete and accurate information. TWNIC may request the applicant to submit documentations for examination purposes when necessary. TWNIC shall have the right to cancel a domain name registration at any time when the provided information is found incorrect. This is declared in “Registry-Registrant Agreement”, registrants need to sign the “Registry-Registrant Agreement” when applying to register or renew registration of a domain name or to change domain name registration information.
- Registrars are obliged to ensure that the WHOIS database records submitted by their customers are accurate. TWNIC shall have the right to cancel a domain name registration at any time when the provided information is found incorrect. This is set forth in “Registry-Registrant Agreement”.
- Annual System Spot Check: TWNIC will have annual system spot check for WHOIS database accuracy, looking for any data that appears to be inaccurate, including missing data and mistakes that appear to be unintentional.

29-2-4 Reduce Opportunities for Malicious Behaviors

29-2-4-1 Monitoring Malicious Activity

If any malicious activity happened, there is a policy will be implemented. TWNIC targets domain names which are verified to be abusive and removes them within a period.

When receiving a complaint which claims that a domain name is being used to threaten the stability and security of the TLD from a trusted source, third-party, or detected by TWNIC, information about the abusive practice is forwarded to an internal mail distribution list that includes members of processing team. It should investigate the activity within a period and either take down the domain name by placing the domain name on hold.

If it determines there is a reasonable likelihood that the incident warrants immediate action, the domain name will be removed from the zone immediately.

29-2-4-2 Co-works with CERT for Malicious Activity

TWNIC has coordinated the policy and procedure with TWCERT Coordination Center, everyone can report improper use of domain names, such as phishing or pharming on the reporting system, then it will trigger the notification and action procedure. The relevant parties, e.g. ISPs, TWNIC and registrars will receive the immediately notifications and take action to remove phishing sites.

29-2-5 Complaint Filing and Relevant Principles

A complainant may, on the grounds that the below-listed circumstances exist in respect of the registrantʹs domain name registration, file a complaint to this policy.
- The domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark(s), mark(s), personal name, business name, or other emblem(s) of the complainant.
- The registrant has no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name.
- The registrant has registered or used the domain name in bad faith.

Evidence submitted by both parties, and all other materials, shall be considered when determining the presence of the elements. If any of the circumstances below are present, a determination may be made that the registrant has rights or legitimate interests in the domain name:
- Before receiving any notice of the domain name dispute, the registrant used in good faith, or made demonstrable preparations to use, the domain name or a name corresponding to the domain name in selling goods or offering services.
- The registrantʹs use of the domain name is well known to the general public.
- The registrant is making a lawful, non-commercial, or legitimate use of the domain name and is not using it for commercial profit in a manner that would confuse or mislead consumers or detract from or harm the trademark(s), mark(s), personal name, business name, or other emblem(s) at issue.

The circumstances in the following subparagraphs may be considered when making a determination of bad faith in the registration or use of a domain name:
- The registrant registered or acquired the domain name primarily for the purpose of gaining from the complainant or a competitor thereof, by selling or renting the domain name or by some other means, a profit in excess of the expenses related to registering the domain name.
- The registrant registered the domain name for the purpose of preventing the complainant from using a trademark(s), mark(s), personal name, business name, or other emblem in a domain name registration.
- The registrant registered the domain name primarily for the purpose of disrupting the business activities of a competitor.
- The registrant, for purposes of profit-seeking, has intentionally sought to induce or mislead network users to visit the registrantʹs web site or other on-line location by creating confusion with the trademark(s), mark(s), personal name, business name, or other emblem(s) of the complainant.

29-2-6 Take Down Procedure

TWNIC has selected a neutral third-party as its dispute resolution service provider to handle the disputes, and will coordinate and define the KPI of the whole process. A dispute case should be resolved within 2 months.
- The complainant files its complaint to a dispute resolution service provider, and pay the resolution service fee within 10 days.
- The dispute resolution service provider informed the registrant within 3 days since received the service fee paid from the complainant.
- The registrant submits its declaring documents and evidences within 20 days.
- The dispute resolution service provider host examination meetings and makes the resolution within 14 days, and informs the registrant, complainant and TWNIC.
- According to the dispute resolution, TWNIC proceed the ‘transfer’ or ‘cancel’ processes, or turn down the complaint.

Besides following the resolution of domain name disputes to execute the take down procedure, TWNIC will also execute the takedown action in any of the following circumstances:
- When receiving an irrevocable judgment of a court or a certifying document having the same force as an irrevocable judgment of a court;
- When receiving the request of government or other governmental quasi-governmental agency;
- When receiving a notarized settlement agreement between the parties;
- When receiving a notification of malicious activity from CERT or other Internet Safeguard Organizations;
- When receiving a complaint which claims malicious activity, and which has been confirmed; or
- When detecting malicious activity.

29-3 Resourcing Plans

For rights protection mechanisms is basis on variety of functional groups. It includes development⁄engineering, product management, policy management and customer support need to enforcing policies such as the rapid suspension process (Table 29-1 Resourcing Plans, Q29_attachment).

30(a). Security Policy: Summary of the security policy for the proposed registry

30(a)-1 Demonstration of Security Capabilities

The .政府 registry not only considers with physical, network, server, and application elements, but also consults with our back-end operator, TWNIC, in order to provide industry-best security practices. TWNIC has taken the security into account and developed the comprehensive security policies for the .政府 registry. Complying with related laws, regulations, and requirements, the policies cover adminstrative, techinical and physical aspects in order to protect the information assets.

The guidelines which will be used in the security policies of .政府TLD are listed below:
- TWNIC supports the right of privacy. The end user has rights to control the use of his⁄her personal data. TWNIC will follows domestic and international laws and regulations to protect the users’ privacy rights.
- TWNIC provides the user guideline for those who use TWNIC’s resources or access to sensitive information.
- TWNIC provides the security training courses and related activities.
- TWNIC develops the policy for the physical protection on sensitive information⁄personal data and the equipment and infrastructure related.
- TWNIC develops the policy for technical protection on sensitive information ⁄personal data including data classification, labeling requirements, and data retention, encryption and related technologies.
- TWNIC develops the policy for information risk management to define the risks, responsibilities and roles of personnel involved, the technologies and the procedure.
- TWNIC develops the policy for access control to define the various types of user account, systems and the related procedures.
- TWNIC develops the incident response policy to identify various types of incidents, responsibilities and procedure to report and respond any security incident.
- TWNIC develops the policy for network security to prevent from any security policy violation in TWNIC’s network infrastructure.
- TWNIC develops the policy for log information monitoring and backup. It defines various types of log information, the procedures of log information process and the roles and responsibilities in different log information processes.
- TWNIC develops policy for system maintenance. It is to describe all software, application, and system development performed by TWNIC and the security requirements for maintaining information systems.

The guidelines mentioned above are to ensure the secure information resources management and utilization, to protect the rights of end users and to define the procedures and responsibilities in different processes.

30(a)-2 Augmented Security levels Or Capabilities

TWNIC registry operation is subject to ISO Audit based on ISMS and QMS Standards. TWNIC management takes responsibility for the testing of controls, and the third party PWC and BSI are respectively subject to conducting internal and external audits. The audit findings will be reported to TWNIC by detailed documentation of audit for the confirmation of registry security and service quality.

The assessment is conducted by PWC and BSI with testing divided into two phases:
- Internal Audit: TWNIC will conduct Information asset assessment and to identify information asset vulnerabilities classified as high, medium and low risk to facilitate management’s prioritization and set different points of control. And the internal audit will focus on the points of control to confirm the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standards.
- External Audit: The external audit is conducted by the third party BSI to test the confirmation of the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standards including access to registration data, change management and IT Operations. TWNIC has certificated by BSI for the ISO 27001 (latest issue: 12 May 2009) and ISO 9001 (latest issue: 17 May 2010) respectively since 2004 and 2006.

30(a)-3 Commitments

The .政府 registry commits to high level security that are consistent with the needs of the .政府, as below:
- Compliance with ISO 27001, including conforming the ISO 27001 security procedures and practices and annual ISO internal and external audits on registry systems.
- Contiuing to develop security policy, allocating all necessary resoureces to ensure the information security, and providing series of security training courses for system administrators, operators, and registrants.
- Pursuing higher standard of registry security, including availability design, multiple layers architecture of security, authentication for accessing registry systems, physical security access controls, 24x7 network systems monitoring.

© Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers.