20(a) Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .mma | MMA IARD | afnic.fr | View |
Table of Contents
1 - Delineation for internet users
2 - Structure and organisation
3 - Origins and activities to date
4 - Estimated size of community
MMA insurance social network is a group of social identities- private individuals, professionals, companies, agents, employees- linked to each other through social interactions based on common values of cooperation, exchange of information and energy. The main goal of this network is to ensure a joint coverage to MMAʹs community against all kinds of daily life accidents. Members of MMAʹs community are active, united and responsible. Their common values are those of solidarity, humanism, compassion, caring, efficiency, dynamism and simplicity. MMAʹs rallying cry ʺzéro tracas, zéro blabla!ʺ (ʺno hassle no claptrapʺ) mirrors the fact that MMA is willing to ensure best attention and best services to its community members.
1 - Delineation for internet users
ʺMMAʺ and ʺinsuranceʺ go hand in hand mainly in France but also in the United Kingdom. If you, or any internet user, enter the words ʺMMAʺ and ʺinsuranceʺ in your research all related information will promptly appear on the screen listing and⁄or making references to any or all part of MMAʹs community. MMAʹs community activities and engagements rotate around insurance products and services provided by MMA. Protection of men and women, whether through insurance coverage, social assistance, cultural development and environmental safeguard, is the main goal of MMA and of its community.
2 - Structure and organisation
Our community has a pyramidal structure with MMA at the peak. MMAʹs community includes MMAʹs 7000 employees working at its headquarter, its 1800 agents and their employees based on the French territory, its 3.2 million clients, its social network of cooperation, MMA Foundation and all other members who, over the years, became an integral part of the community, sharing its same interests and common values, particularly those of solidarity and humanism, that together make it possible to the community to evolve on a daily basis.
3 - Origins and activities to date
MMAʹs values are rooted in its two hundred years old mutualistic origins: a bond between men and women willing to achieve together what separately was not achievable. On May 25, 1828, twenty four (24) shareholders gathered upon the request of Louis Basse to found the ʺMutuelle Immobilière Incendieʺ in the French city of Mans: their aim was to ensure coverage against fire, sky fire (lightning) and explosion of gas light. The first social network was created, bringing to life what will later become MMA. In 1918, Gustave Singher invented the ʺNew Mutuelle du Mansʺ which regrouped in 1923 three other ʺMutuellesʺ under the name of ʺMutuelles du Mans Incendieʺ. Progressively, other ʺMutuellesʺ joined the group and activities became more diverse including other insurance protections such as life insurance and health insurance. 1969 is a capital date: an agreement was signed between all ʺMutuellesʺ giving birth to the official Mutuelles des Mans Group. Only in 1987, the group became ʺMutuelles du Mans Assurancesʺ and included the actual three entities: Mutuelle du Mans IARD, Mutuelle du Mans Vie and DAS.
In 1999, willing to differentiate itself from its competitors, ʺMutuelles du Mans Assurancesʺ chose a shorter and cooler name ʺMMAʺ which was presented to the public in a colorful round shaped logo. A new promise was also made: ʺZéro tracas, zéro blabla, avec MMA, cʹest le bonheur assuréʺ through which MMA commits to provide its customers with closer and more efficient services. The year 2000 is the year where MMA reorganized itself in a way to benefit to the maximum from new technologies. MMA gains in notoriety and for the period of 2000-2002 forty seven thousand (47000) new clients joined MMA monthly. MMA offers more and more services to satisfy its large platform of clients (such as bank services since 2005). MMA does not stop there, it goes beyond insurance activities and commit to a diverse number of humanitarian, social, cultural and environmental activities (MMArena, MMAcadémie, etc.). The best is yet to come with .mma!
4 - Estimated size of community
The estimated size of MMAʹs community is around 3.3 million persons for its quantifiable part. Nevertheless, a mention must be done to other members of the community who adhere and participate to MMAʹs humanitarian, social, cultural and environmental activities but who are not quantifiable.
The geographical extent of MMA covers today France and the United Kingdom at a second level.
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