20(e) Provide a description of the applicant's intended registration policies in support of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .osaka | Interlink Co., Ltd. | urbanbrain.com | View |
In order to maintain a safe, stable, and reliable environment for registrants and users of the Osaka domain space, Interlink proposes the implementation of clearly defined registration and eligibility requirements. In addition, Interlink will also implement a strict Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to protect the community from abusive registrations. Furthermore, Interlink believes that registrants in the “.osaka” TLD should have nexus with the community and proposes compliance with a nexus requirement.
Below is a description of each registry policies as they relate to the community.
1. Eligibility Requirements
An eligible registrant of a “.osaka” domain name, is defined by the nexus policy. Draft language of Interlinkʹs nexus policy is shown below:
Draft Language of the Osaka Nexus Requirement:
The “.osaka” Nexus Requirement is designed to maintain an Internet namespace that is for persons, or entities that have a substantive connection to the Osaka community. Only those who fulfill the Nexus Requirement will be allowed to register and operate a domain name in the “.osaka” top-level domain (TLD).
All registrants of an “.osaka” name must satisfy at least one the following:
• Osaka municipalities and local governments
• Public and private institutions in Osaka
• Organizations, companies, and other businesses in Osaka
• Residents of Osaka
• Others community members who have a bona fide purpose for registering and using a “.osaka” domain
Registrants who purchase “.osaka” names will be required to certify that meet one of the categories above. Meeting these requirements is on a continual basis, and therefore the registrant re-certifies compliance with the above during each subsequent renewal term. In other words, registrants must ensure they remain in compliance with the Nexus Requirement.
The Registry will:
• Require that registrars enforce the Nexus requirement upon registration and each subsequent renewal of a “.osaka” domain name.
• Conduct scans from time to time of registration request information to verify compliance with applicable registration policies.
• Conduct random checks on registrant information to verify compliance with applicable registration policies.
Any failure of a registration to satisfy the Nexus Requirement will result tin the name being placed on a hold for an initial period of 30 days. The sponsoring registrar will be notified of such a hold and be given the opportunity to correct any information. If the registrant does not comply during the hold time frame of 30 days, the domain name will be subject to deletion and returned to the pull of available domain names. No refund of registration fees will be granted in such cases. Compliance with the information correction request will result in the name being registered or re-activated immediately.
* This document is in draft form and is subject to approval of the Osaka Domain Advisory Committee.
Acceptable Domains
Acceptable Domain Registration Applications are defined as the types of names that maybe registered within the “.osaka” top-level domain. An acceptable domain name that is valid for registration is one that:
• has not already been registered
• has not been blocked or reserved
• meets the technical requirements
• does not construe an abusive or obscene meaning in Japanese
• does not construe an abusive or obscene meaning in English or other languages
Interlink will reserve names as required by the new gTLD Registry Agreement and, in addition, plans to create a list of reserved names based on its work with the community and local governments to ensure that names that serve the public interest are allocated in the most efficient and beneficial way.
Processing Applications for Registration
All registrations requests must be submitted through an ICANN accredited registrar that has entered into an agreement with Interlink, the registry operator. All accredited registrars will be required to ensure that the registrant warrants that all information provided is true and accurate; the registration is in good faith and does not infringe on the rights of any third party, the registrant meets the eligibility requirements (nexus requirement), and the registrant understands, accepts, and will abide by all registry policies.
Registrations in both the sunrise and landrush phases, as described in response to Questions18 and 29.
Acceptable Content
Interlink is in agreement with the Osaka Prefectural Government’s desire that pornographic, vulgar and highly objectionable content is adequately monitored and removed from the namespace. This type of content will be strictly prohibited in the “.osaka” TLD. In order to strictly enforce this registration policy, Interlink will implement an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) as well as include an Abuse Point of Contact on its website as a means to provide a method for users to submit complaints of abuse to Interlink.
Interlink believes that a strong abuse prevention policy in the “.osaka” TLD is a very important benefit to the Osaka Community and will ensure that contracted parties adhere to its policies. The AUP will be incorporated into the Registry-Registrar Agreement and give the registry the right to take any appropriate actions needed to remedy a particular type of abuse. All ICANN accredited registrars which enter into an agreement with the registry will be required to pass through the Acceptable Use Policy to its Resellers (if applicable) and finally, to all registrants. The AUP, and Interlinks implementation of an Abuse Point of Contact are further described in the response to Question 28.
Registry’s Right to Enforce Policies
It is the responsibility of each accredited registrar to ensure that registrants understand and acknowledge that Interlink, as the registry operator, has the right to accept and reject requests for domain registrations, monitor the name space for names that do not meet the criteria for acceptable domains, and monitor domain names containing prohibited content as described above.
Interlink will be accountable to the community for proper enforcement of its policies to ensure that it works to maintain a safe, secure, and stable domain space for the Osaka Community.
Interlink is confident that is proposed policies will be further developed and enhanced to fully meet the needs of the Osaka community.
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