18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.hotelHOTEL Top-Level-Domain S.a.r.ldothotel.infoView

Registry Reserved capital cities names

The Registry will set aside all capital cities’ names. These names can be released by the Registry upon consultation with the community and the Advisory Board and registered by eligible community members.

Registry Reserved geographic names

The Registry will set aside certain geographic names. These names will be released by the Registry and can be registered by eligible community members.

Registry Reserved Domain Names for the Hotel industry associations and duties

The Registry will set aside a group of domain names that will be used by the hotel industry associations including their names, abbreviations of names and duties. These names can be released by the Registry upon request and registered by eligible community members.

Community Reserved Domain Names for major Hotel industry brands

The Registry will set aside a list of domain names that will be reserved for the 325 major hotel industry brands including sub-brands. Cut-off date for this list is September 2011. These names can be released by the Registry upon request of the brand concerned and registered by eligible community member brand. This list was decided upon in close cooperation with the Advisory Board of .hotel and is based on the annual ranking of the 325 largest hotel companies worldwide.

Registry Reserved generic Domain Names

The Registry will set aside a group of generic domain names that will be reserved for the hotel industry and can be registered by eligible community members.

Disputed Domain Names

The Registry may set aside during regular operations domain names that are being reviewed under dispute resolution procedures. These domain names may become available for registration after the dispute is concluded.


All available .hotel domain names will be registered on a ”first-come, first-serve” basis. Reserved names may be allocated on a ”first-come, first-served” basis or via other mechanisms like auction or tender.


HOTEL Top-Level-Domain Sarl will have fair and reasonable wholesale prices that have been vetted with the Community and Registrars worldwide.


.Hotel domains will be available through accredited registrars who will be provided non-discriminatory access to registry services. The initial domain registrations for .hotel domain will be for periods of one to ten years at the discretion of the registrar.

The reserved names for auction will have discreet pricing.

HOTEL Top-Level-Domain Sarl reserves the right to reduce pricing for promotional purposes in a manner available to all accredited registrars. Registry Operator reserves the right to work with ICANN to initiate an increase in the wholesale price of domains if required. Registry Operator will provide reasonable notice to the registrars of any approved price change.

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