20(a) Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.ovhOVH SAScorp.ovh.comView

The common factor distinguishing the community members is their OVH client status. They need to have a NIC-Handle with personal information verified. The community structure is classless, but OVH SAS prevails on the company itself, prevailing on the clients. The community appeared at the creation of OVH the November, 2nd 1999. The owner of OVH, Octave Klaba, has indeed always driven the clients to participate in the company’s activities. Today, OVH continues to exchange with its clients through communitarian tools (forums, mailing lists…) or to organize meetings whether it be at the initiative of the company or its community comprising approximately 400,000 members.

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