18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .radio | European Broadcasting Union (EBU) | ebu.ch | View |
18. (a) Describe the mission⁄purpose of your proposed gTLD.
The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is applying for the .radio Top Level Domain (TLD) on behalf of the global Radio community, in order to provide it with a trusted and secure name space to facilitate its transformation into the next generation radio industry. The Radio community is defined as all those entities and individuals related to audio content distributed mainly by broadcasting to wide communities of listeners throughout the world (see response to Q20 below for a detailed community definition).
The European Broadcasting Union is one of the largest associations of national broadcasters in the world, with the highest turnover (CHF 404 million in 2011) and with offices in eight countries over three continents. It ensures high quality content and programs, shares knowledge and expertise and promotes the interests of its Members across all areas of its public interest mandate and its business.
EBU is also applying for the .eurovision TLD for its own exclusive use as an Institutional TLD and an integral part of EBU’s institutional and corporate communications strategy aimed at raising the profile of the organization, as well as uniting EBU’s operations and activities under a single online identity.
The.radio TLD, on the other hand, is a community-based application to provide the radio industry with a platform through which radio broadcasters and other radio industry stakeholders worldwide will collaborate to promote audio content distribution and community-wide services, promoting quality and competition in the public interest, for the benefit of listeners and Internet users.
EBU will benefit from the support and active involvement of its sister Unions grouped in the World Broadcasting Union (WBU). They will jointly lead the .radio TLD policy development process through the establishment of a World Radio Advisory Board, which will also include representatives of other stakeholder groups from the Radio community such as: AMARC (Association Mondiale des Radiodiffuseurs Communautaires), AER (Association of European Radios), and many others.
The generic goals of the .radio TLD are to:
(a) facilitate the creation and dissemination of audio content and foster digital communications amongst and within entities and individuals composing the Radio community and listeners throughout the world;
(b) advocate the fundamental rights of communication and freedom of expression through radio services, and in particular the right of radio broadcasters (and other radio providers) to communicate;
(c) provide a platform for the development of radio and .radio-specific servicesin the digital space;
(d) provide the community with a trusted and secure namespace enabling and facilitating its transformation into the next generation radio industry;
(e) promote the Radio community and the radio industry in general and foster the development of both industry and community.
These goals are to be achieved by:
(i) actively designing and developing the .radio TLD name space with a focus on the needs of the community, involving broadcasters, Internet radios, radio amateurs, listeners and other stakeholders;
(ii) allowing registration of second-level domains in the .radio TLD by entities and individuals related to audio content distributed mainly by broadcasting to wide communities of listeners throughout the world, the basic criterion being the requirement to use the domain names registered for the purpose of online audio content distribution to wide communities of listeners.
(iii) operating the .radio TLD for the benefit of the .radio community, the Internet, and public interest in general.
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gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail |