25 Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .广东 | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. | zodiac-corp.com | View |
25. Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)
The applicant provides the ʺ.STRINGʺ TLD with a business interface that meets the requirements of ICANN. This interface complies with RFC 3735, RFC 5730, RFC 5731, RFC 5732, RFC 5733 and RFC 5734 and has extended simplified, traditional and variant Chinese domain names, and DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC function) in accordance with RFC 3735. Relevant drafts have also been submitted.
The Back-End Service Provider to be the provider of technology and operation services for ʺ.STRINGʺ registry. Through the self-deployed ʺBack-End Registry Service Platformʺ, the Back-End Service Provider provides the entrusted services for ʺ.STRINGʺ TLD.
ʺBack-End Registry Service Platformʺ is deployed and operated by the Back-End Service Provider to support services for all new gTLD registries who have the entrusted requirements such as ʺ.STRINGʺ. The platform is designed to support at least 2 million domain names. ʺBack-End Registry Service Platformʺ that is deployed, maintained and operated by the technicians from the Back-End Service Provider, provides registry with all information systems required for five critical functions (including resources such as IDC, software, hardware and bandwidth etc.).
The applicant will designate specialists to carry out technical coordination, and supervise the work of the Back-End Service Provider. By far, all human resources, funds and equipment necessary for implementing and maintaining have been put in place by the applicant and the Back-End Service Provider respectively.
25.1 Business Interface Between the Back-End Service Provider and Registrars
Based on Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP), ʺ.STRINGʺ provides registrars with a business interface for managing sessions, domain names, hosts, contacts and asynchronous messages. Via the above business interface, a registrar can perform not only complete business operation functions but also their own business workflow.
All the EPP commands given by ʺ.STRINGʺ for registrars are listed in the following table.
Please see Table 1 and Table 2 in the attachment of Q25_Attachment_Table.
All the above commands for the registration and management of domain names, hosts and contacts meet the requirements of EPP. According to RFC 3735 and the business demand of ʺ.STRINGʺ, the applicant and the Back-End Service Provider have jointly agreed to extend the parameters of some of the above commands.
25.2 Compliance with RFC
25.2.1 Compliance with RFC 5730
In accordance with the requirements of RFC 5730, ʺ.STRINGʺ has realized session login, logout and hello commands, etc., as well as poll command for asynchronous message reception and confirmation. Meanwhile, the formal syntax of EPP, result code, date format and international support satisfy RFC 5730.
25.2.2 Compliance with RFC 5731
In accordance with the requirements of RFC 5731, the business interface provide by ʺ.STRINGʺ to the registrar has supported commands including check, info, create, delete, renew, transfer and update for domain names.
25.2.3 Compliance with RFC 5732
In accordance with the requirements of RFC 5732, the business interface provide by ʺ.STRINGʺ to the registrar has implemented commands including check, info, create, delete and update for hosts. The host of a particular domain name will be automatically transferred as the domain name is transferred. The IP of the host may be either IPv4 or IPv6.
25.2.4 Compliance with RFC 5733
In accordance with the requirements of RFC 5733, the business interface provide by ʺ.STRINGʺ to the registrar has supported commands including check, info, create, delete, renew, transfer and update for contacts.
25.2.5 Compliance with RFC 5734
In accordance with RFC 5734, the business interface provide by ʺ.STRINGʺ to the registrar has supported EPP mapping and deployed the SSL protocol, both of which are based on TCP. The EPP message format, the TCP connection session, the communication sequence of the client and the server, as well as the monitoring port meet the requirement of RFC 5734.
25.3 Proprietary EPP Extension
Due to the uniqueness of ʺ.STRINGʺʹs business, the applicant and the Back-End Service Provider have jointly agreed to realize some function extensions beyond the standard EPP. These extensions, which meet the requirement of RFC 3735 on extension of functions, are implemented based on the command-response mode. To be specific, these extensions include the extension of traditional, simplified and variant Chinese domain names, and DNSSEC function extensions.
25.3.1 Extension of Traditional, Simplified and Variant Chinese Domain Names Overview
According to the characteristics of Chinese domain names, the applicant has formulated for ʺ.STRINGʺ relevant policies for variant registration (refer to the answer to Question 44). To facilitate the implementation of these policies, the applicant and the Back-End Service Provider, in accordance with RFC 3735, have agreed to extend EPP for traditional, simplified and variant Chinese domain names, facilitating bundle registration of variant Chinese domain names. Explanation of Extensions
In accordance with the business requirements of ʺ.STRINGʺ, the response messages for the commands about the domain names mentioned in RFC 5731, including info, transfer, delete and renew as well as the commands and response messages of update and create in the EPP have been extended. Chinese characters in use have at least two forms, traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Therefore, in creating a domain name, a full traditional and a full simplified domain name will be generated according to the one the registrar submits to the applicant and will be stored in the database. Afterwards, users are allowed to activate other variant forms of domain names.
When executing the info command, ʺ.STRINGʺ feed the traditional, simplified and variant Chinese domain names and the corresponding A-Label record back to the client.
After the command is extended, the feedback message is as follows:
S:〈?xml version=ʺ1.0ʺ encoding=ʺUTF-8ʺ standalone=ʺnoʺ?〉
S:〈epp xmlns=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0ʺ〉
S: 〈response〉
S: 〈result code=ʺ1000ʺ〉
S: 〈msg〉Command completed successfully〈⁄msg〉
S: 〈⁄result〉
S: 〈resData〉
S: 〈domain:infData
S: xmlns:domain=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0ʺ〉
S: 〈domain:name〉ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
S: 〈domain:roid〉58812678-domain〈⁄domain:roid〉
S: 〈domain:status s=ʺokʺ⁄〉
S: 〈domain:registrant〉123〈⁄domain:registrant〉
S: 〈domain:contact type=ʺadminʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
S: 〈domain:contact type=ʺtechʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
S: 〈domain:ns〉
S: 〈domain:hostObj〉ns1.example.cn〈⁄domain:hostObj〉
S: 〈⁄domain:ns〉
S: 〈domain:clID〉ClientX〈⁄domain:clID〉
S: 〈domain:crID〉ClientY〈⁄domain:crID〉
S: 〈domain:crDate〉2011-04-03T22:00:00.0Z〈⁄domain:crDate〉
S: 〈domain:exDate〉2012-04-03T22:00:00.0Z〈⁄domain:exDate〉
S: 〈domain:authInfo〉
S: 〈domain:pw〉2fooBAR〈⁄domain:pw〉
S: 〈⁄domain:authInfo〉
S: 〈⁄domain:infData〉
S: 〈⁄resData〉
S: 〈extension〉
S: 〈cdn:infData xmlns:cdn=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cdn-1.0ʺ〉
S: 〈cdn:OCDNPunycode〉 xn--fsq270a.xn--xhq521b〈⁄domain:name〉
S: 〈cdn:SCDN〉ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
S: 〈cdn:SCDNPunycode〉 xn--fsq270a.xn--xhq521b〈⁄domain:name〉
S: 〈cdn:TCDN〉ʺU+5BE6ʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
S: 〈cdn:TCDNPunycode〉 xn--fsqz41a.xn--xhq521b〈⁄domain:name〉
S: 〈cdn:VCDNList〉
S: 〈cdn:VCDN〉ʺU+5BE6ʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄cdn:VCDN〉
S: 〈cdn:VCDNPunycode〉 xn--fsqz41a.xn--xhq521b
S: 〈⁄cdn:VCDNPunycode〉
S: 〈⁄cdn:VCDNList〉
S: 〈⁄cdn:infData〉
S: 〈⁄extension〉
S: 〈trID〉
S: 〈clTRID〉ABC-12345〈⁄clTRID〉
S: 〈svTRID〉54322-XYZ〈⁄svTRID〉
S: 〈⁄trID〉
S: 〈⁄response〉
The fed-back message for transfer, delete and renew include the content of the operated domain names:
S: 〈extension〉
S: 〈cdn:xxxData
S: xmlns:cdn=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cdn-1.0ʺ〉
S: 〈cdn:SCDN〉
S: ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄cdn:SCDN〉
S: 〈cdn:TCDN〉
S: ʺU+5BE6ʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄cdn:TCDN〉
S: 〈cdn:VCDNList〉
S: 〈cdn:VCDN〉
S: ʺU+5BE6ʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄cdn:VCDN〉
S: 〈⁄cdn:VCDNList〉
S: 〈⁄cdn:XXXData〉
S: 〈⁄extension〉
When a domain name is being created, registrants are allowed to submit a variant domain name:
C:〈?xml version=ʺ1.0ʺ encoding=ʺUTF-8ʺ standalone=ʺnoʺ?〉
C:〈epp xmlns=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈command〉
C: 〈create〉
C: 〈domain:create
C: xmlns:domain=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈domain:name〉
C: ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
C: 〈domain:period unit=ʺyʺ〉2〈⁄domain:period〉
C: 〈domain:registrant〉123〈⁄domain:registrant〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺadminʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺtechʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈domain:pw〉2fooBAR〈⁄domain:pw〉
C: 〈⁄domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈⁄domain:create〉
C: 〈⁄create〉
C: 〈extension:
C: 〈cdn:create
C: xmlns:cdn=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cdn-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈cdn:VCDNList〉
C: 〈cdn:VCDN〉
C: ʺU+5BE6ʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄cdn:VCDN〉
C: 〈⁄cdn:VCDNList〉
C: 〈⁄cdn:create〉
C: 〈⁄extension〉
C: 〈clTRID〉ABC-12345〈⁄clTRID〉
C: 〈⁄command〉
Registrants are permitted to add or remove a variant domain name when executing the update command:
C:〈?xml version=ʺ1.0ʺ encoding=ʺUTF-8ʺ standalone=ʺnoʺ?〉
C:〈epp xmlns=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈command〉
C: 〈update〉
C: 〈domain:update
C: xmlns:domain=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈domain:name〉 ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
C: 〈domain:add〉
C: 〈domain:ns〉
C: 〈domain:hostObj〉ns2.example.cn〈⁄domain:hostObj〉
C: 〈⁄domain:ns〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺtechʺ〉234〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:status s=ʺclientHoldʺ
C: lang=ʺenʺ〉Payment overdue.〈⁄domain:status〉
C: 〈⁄domain:add〉
C: 〈domain:rem〉
C: 〈domain:ns〉
C: 〈domain:hostObj〉ns1.example.cn〈⁄domain:hostObj〉
C: 〈⁄domain:ns〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺtechʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:status s=ʺclientUpdateProhibitedʺ⁄〉
C: 〈⁄domain:rem〉
C: 〈domain:chg〉
C: 〈domain:registrant〉234〈⁄domain:registrant〉
C: 〈domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈domain:pw〉2BARfoo〈⁄domain:pw〉
C: 〈⁄domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈⁄domain:chg〉
C: 〈⁄domain:update〉
C: 〈⁄update〉
C: 〈extension〉
C: 〈cdn:update
C: xmlns:cdn=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cdn-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈cdn:add〉
C: 〈cdn:VCDN〉
C: ʺU+5BE6ʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄cdn:VCDN〉
C: 〈⁄cdn:add〉
C: 〈cdn:rem〉
C: 〈cdn:VCDN〉
C: ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄cdn:VCDN〉
C: 〈⁄cdn:rem〉
C: 〈⁄cdn:update〉
C: 〈⁄extension〉
C: 〈clTRID〉ABC-12345〈⁄clTRID〉
C: 〈⁄command〉
For details, please refer to the link: http:⁄⁄tools.ietf.org⁄html⁄draft-kong-epp-cdn-mapping-00.
25.3.2 DNSSEC Extension Overview
According to the registration polices for Chinese domain names, the registrant will obtain a full traditional, a full simplified and related variant Chinese domain names when applying for domain name registration. To allow the registrant to apply for DS records for multiple variant Chinese domain names, the applicant and the Back-End Service Provider, in accordance with RFC 3735, have jointly agreed to implement EPP extension for DNSSEC to support bulk registration of DS records. Explanation of Extensions
In accordance with the business requirements of ʺ.STRINGʺ, the RFC 5910 in the EPP has been extended. DS records can be added to a designated domain name when it is created and updated, and relevant DS data are contained in the response message of info command.
Create message:
C:〈?xml version=ʺ1.0ʺ encoding=ʺUTF-8ʺ standalone=ʺnoʺ?〉
C:〈epp xmlns=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈command〉
C: 〈create〉
C: 〈domain:create
C: xmlns:domain=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈domain:name〉
C: ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
C: 〈domain:period unit=ʺyʺ〉2〈⁄domain:period〉
C: 〈domain:registrant〉123〈⁄domain:registrant〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺadminʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺtechʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈domain:pw〉2fooBAR〈⁄domain:pw〉
C: 〈⁄domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈⁄domain:create〉
C: 〈⁄create〉
C: 〈extension〉
C: 〈secCDNC:create
C: xmlnC:secCDNS=ʺurn:ietf:paramC:xml:nC:secCDNS-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈secCDNS:maxSigLife〉604800〈⁄secCDNS:maxSigLife〉
C: 〈secCDNC:DS〉
C: 〈secCDNS:CDN〉
C: ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄secCDNS:CDN〉
C: 〈secCDNC:dsData〉
C: 〈secDNC:keyTag〉12345〈⁄secDNC:keyTag〉
C: 〈secDNC:alg〉3〈⁄secDNC:alg〉
C: 〈secDNC:digestType〉1〈⁄secDNC:digestType〉
C: 〈secDNC:digest〉49FD46E6C4B45C55D4AC〈⁄secDNC:digest〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:dsData〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:DS〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:create〉
C: 〈⁄extension〉
C: 〈trID〉
C: 〈clTRID〉ABC-12345〈⁄clTRID〉
C: 〈svTRID〉54322-XYZ〈⁄svTRID〉
C: 〈⁄trID〉
C: 〈⁄response〉
C:〈?xml version=ʺ1.0ʺ encoding=ʺUTF-8ʺ standalone=ʺnoʺ?〉
C:〈epp xmlns=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈command〉
C: 〈create〉
C: 〈domain:create
C: xmlns:domain=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈domain:name〉
C: ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
C: 〈domain:period unit=ʺyʺ〉2〈⁄domain:period〉
C: 〈domain:registrant〉123〈⁄domain:registrant〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺadminʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺtechʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈domain:pw〉2fooBAR〈⁄domain:pw〉
C: 〈⁄domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈⁄domain:create〉
C: 〈⁄create〉
C: 〈extension〉
C: 〈secCDNC:create
C: xmlnC:secCDNS=ʺurn:ietf:paramC:xml:nC:secCDNS-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈secCDNS:maxSigLife〉604800〈⁄secCDNS:maxSigLife〉
C: 〈secCDNC:KEY type=ʺallʺ〉
C: 〈secCDNC:keyData〉
C: 〈secDNC:flags 〉257〈⁄secDNC:flags〉
C: 〈secDNC:protocol〉3〈⁄secDNC:protocol〉
C: 〈secDNC:alg〉1〈⁄secDNC:alg〉
C: 〈secDNC:pubKey〉AQPJ⁄⁄⁄⁄4Q==〈⁄secDNC:pubKey〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:keyData〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:KEY〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:create〉
C: 〈⁄extension〉
C: 〈trID〉
C: 〈clTRID〉ABC-12345〈⁄clTRID〉
C: 〈svTRID〉54322-XYZ〈⁄svTRID〉
C: 〈⁄trID〉
C: 〈⁄response〉
Update message:
C:〈?xml version=ʺ1.0ʺ encoding=ʺUTF-8ʺ standalone=ʺnoʺ?〉
C:〈epp xmlns=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0ʺ
C: xmlns:xsi=ʺhttp:⁄⁄www.w3.org⁄2001⁄XMLSchema-instanceʺ〉
C: 〈command〉
C: 〈update〉
C: 〈domain:update
C: xmlns:domain=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈domain:name〉 ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
C: 〈⁄domain:update〉
C: 〈⁄update〉
C: 〈extension〉
C: 〈secCDNS:update
C: xmlns:secCDNS=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:secCDNS-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈secCDNS:rem〉
C: 〈secCDNS:DS〉
C: 〈secCDNS:SCDN〉xn--fsq270a.xn--xhq521b〈⁄secCDNS:SCDN〉
C: 〈secCDNS:dsData〉
C: 〈secCDNS:keyTag〉12345〈⁄secCDNS:keyTag〉
C: 〈secCDNS:alg〉3〈⁄secCDNS:alg〉
C: 〈secCDNS:digestType〉1〈⁄secCDNS:digestType〉
C: 〈secCDNS:digest〉38EC35D5B3A34B33C99B〈⁄secCDNS:digest〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNS:dsData〉
C: 〈secCDNS:DS〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNS:rem〉
C: 〈secCDNS:add〉
C: 〈secCDNS:DS〉
C: 〈secCDNS:SCDN〉xn--fsq270a.xn--xhq521b〈⁄secCDNS:SCDN〉
C: 〈secCDNS:dsData〉
C: 〈secCDNS:keyTag〉34723〈⁄secCDNS:keyTag〉
C: 〈secCDNS:alg〉3〈⁄secCDNS:alg〉
C: 〈secCDNS:digestType〉1〈⁄secCDNS:digestType〉
C: 〈secCDNS:digest〉FYUGCFIUACVH〈⁄secCDNS:digest〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNS:dsData〉
C: 〈secCDNS:DS〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNS:add〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNS:update〉
C: 〈⁄extension〉
C: 〈clTRID〉ABC-12345〈⁄clTRID〉
C: 〈⁄command〉
Info message:
C:〈?xml version=ʺ1.0ʺ encoding=ʺUTF-8ʺ standalone=ʺnoʺ?〉
C:〈epp xmlns=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈command〉
C: 〈create〉
C: 〈domain:create
C: xmlns:domain=ʺurn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈domain:name〉 ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄domain:name〉
C: 〈domain:period unit=ʺyʺ〉2〈⁄domain:period〉
C: 〈domain:registrant〉123〈⁄domain:registrant〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺadminʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:contact type=ʺtechʺ〉123〈⁄domain:contact〉
C: 〈domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈domain:pw〉2fooBAR〈⁄domain:pw〉
C: 〈⁄domain:authInfo〉
C: 〈⁄domain:create〉
C: 〈⁄create〉
C: 〈extension〉
C: 〈secCDNC:create
C: xmlnC:secCDNS=ʺurn:ietf:paramC:xml:nC:secCDNS-1.0ʺ〉
C: 〈secCDNC:DS〉
C: 〈secCDNC:SCDN〉ʺU+5B9EʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄secCDNC:domain〉
C: 〈secCDNC:dsData〉
C: 〈secCDNC:keyTag〉12345〈⁄secCDNC:keyTag〉
C: 〈secCDNC:alg〉3〈⁄secCDNC:alg〉
C: 〈secCDNC:digestType〉1〈⁄secCDNC:digestType〉
C: 〈secCDNC:digest〉49FD46E6C4B45C55D4AC〈⁄secCDNC:digest〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:dsData〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:DS〉
C: 〈secCDNC:DS〉
C: 〈secCDNC:TCDN〉ʺU+5BE6ʺʺU+4F8Bʺ.ʺU+5E7FʺʺU+4E1Cʺ〈⁄secCDNC:domain〉
C: 〈secCDNC:dsData〉
C: 〈secCDNC:keyTag〉2765〈⁄secCDNC:keyTag〉
C: 〈secCDNC:alg〉3〈⁄secCDNC:alg〉
C: 〈secCDNC:digestType〉1〈⁄secCDNC:digestType〉
C: 〈secCDNC:digest〉ABCTFAGFHKLOGI34〈⁄secCDNC:digest〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:dsData〉
C: 〈secCDNC:dsData〉
C: 〈secCDNC:keyTag〉23789〈⁄secCDNC:keyTag〉
C: 〈secCDNC:alg〉3〈⁄secCDNC:alg〉
C: 〈secCDNC:digestType〉1〈⁄secCDNC:digestType〉
C: 〈secCDNC:digest〉VHGKAUGYAIUGUIAGU〈⁄secCDNC:digest〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:dsData〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:DS〉
C: 〈⁄secCDNC:infData〉
C: 〈⁄extension〉
C: 〈trID〉
C: 〈clTRID〉ABC-12345〈⁄clTRID〉
C: 〈svTRID〉54322-XYZ〈⁄svTRID〉
C: 〈⁄trID〉
C: 〈⁄response〉
For details, please refer to the link: http:⁄⁄tools.ietf.org⁄html⁄draft-kong-epp-cdn-dnssec-mapping-00.
25.4 The EPP SCHEMA of Business Interface
The EPP Schema used by ʺ.STRINGʺ includes two parts; one is the EPP XML Schema defined by RFC and the other is the EPP XML Schema of customized extension.
25.4.1 The EPP XML Schema Defined by RFC
(1) urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:eppcom-1.0 (Refer to RFC 5730)
(2) urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 (Refer to RFC 5730)
(3) urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0 (Refer to RFC 5731)
(4) urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0 (Refer to RFC 5732)
(5) urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:contact-1.0 (Refer to RFC 5733)
(6) urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rgp-1.0 (Refer to RFC 3915)
25.4.2 The EPP XML Schema of Customized Extension
(1) urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cdn-1.0 (Refer to draft-kong-epp-cdn-mapping-00)
(2) urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:secCDNS-1.0 (Refer to draft-kong-epp-cdn-dnssec-mapping-00)
25.5 Resource Allocation
25.5.1 Human Resources
To fulfill the service commitments concerning EPP of ʺ.STRINGʺ, the human resources provided by ʺ.STRINGʺ are as follows: ʺ.STRINGʺ TLD registry adopts the human resources that are for ʺBack-End Registry Service Platformʺ use, which equips with 2 software engineers who are responsible for EPP consistency analysis and for extending EPP in accordance with RFC 3735. The applicant will designate 2 technical personnel to communicate technical issues with the Back-End Service Provider and supervise the work of the Back-End Service Provider. Refer to the answer to Question 31.
25.5.2 Funds
To fulfill the service commitments concerning EPP of ʺ.STRINGʺ, funds for human resources and outsourcing funds of technical platform of the applicant have been put in place. Refer to the answer to Question 46 for the sources and uses of these funds; Funds for human resources, equipment procurement and maintenance of the Back-End Service Provider, the applicantʹs entrusted party of technology and operation, have been put in place.
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