
20(d) Explain the relationship between the applied-for gTLD string and the community identified in 20(a)

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.halalAsia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.nsline.comView
• relationship to the established name, if any, of the community.

The word “HALAL” is the core fundamental of the Halal service providers community. Without the philosophy of “Halal”, no such a community would be shaped.

• relationship to the identification of community members.

As stated above, community members will feel an affinity and self-identification with the .HALAL TLD. As adoption of .HALAL grows, use of domains using this community TLD will grow exponentially, helping to cement the obvious connection between the string and the community. Our community members are the producers or service providers of the halal products.

• any connotations the string may have beyond the community.

AGITSYS knows of no other connotations the .HALAL string might have outside of this community.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.islamAsia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.nsline.comView
• relationship to the established name, if any, of the community.

Islam is the name of the religion of Muslim community. The .ISLAM community (synonymous with the Muslim community) is well known globally, and thus it is not expected that AGITSys will have to undertake any awareness campaigns as to the nature of the community.
Every Muslim around the world, notwithstanding the sect they belong to or their nationality, knows Islam as their religion, and tries to respect ISLAM’s rules.
There will be instant understanding amongst anyone in the Muslim community as to the meaning of .ISLAM, and the fact that any second-level domain with the .ISLAM gTLD will be a site providing them with information and access critical to them as a community member. Equally, Islam as a culture religion is extremely recognizable to members of other cultures and religions – meaning broader awareness of the significance of the .ISLAM gTLD beyond the Muslim community will be high.

• relationship to the identification of community members.

As stated above, community members will feel an affinity and self-identification with the .ISLAM TLD. As adoption of .ISLAM grows, use of domains using this community gTLD will grow exponentially, helping to cement the obvious connection between the string and the community. For the purpose of limiting registrants within the gTLD to Muslims, a key identifier for community members is that they must have publicly pronounced the Shahadah, as described in section A above and further elaborated below.

• any connotations the string may have beyond the community.

AGITSYS knows of no other connotations the .ISLAM string might have outside of this community.